⚡️ Movement Labs Hackathon ⚡️

Welcome to the Movement

Movement Labs is at the forefront of blockchain innovation, introducing the first integrated blockchain network that powers the fastest and most secure Layer Two on Ethereum. With its groundbreaking MEVM ZK Layer 2 technology, Movement brings MoveVM to Ethereum, creating a secure, scalable, and developer-friendly blockchain infrastructure. This integration combines the best aspects of modular and monolithic architectures, leveraging the security and speed of the Move programming language.

As a developer, you will find Movement's ecosystem built on the principles of integrated modularity and developer empowerment. By pioneering the "Integrated Execution" approach, Movement Labs seamlessly combines modular components into a single, high-performance blockchain. You are empowered with the Movement SDK and the Move programming language, enabling you to build secure, EVM-compatible smart contracts without writing Move code directly. This platform supports multiple programming languages and offers formal verification, providing you with increased flexibility and the ability to build without barriers.

In addition to its robust architecture, Movement Labs fosters ecosystem synergy by collaborating with leading Ethereum scaling solutions to establish a unified framework benefiting all networks. The zk-rollup architecture brings massive scalability to Ethereum, targeting over 30,000 transactions per second while maintaining EVM compatibility. This unparalleled scalability, combined with the Move-EVM bytecode interpreter that prevents vulnerabilities like reentrancy at runtime, sets a new standard for smart contract safety and performance.

As a participant in our hackathon, you gain access to a versatile platform that allows you to build and deploy applications across various modules and layers. You can deploy Sui contracts on the M2 layer or Solidity contracts on the M1 layer through Fractal, ensuring flexibility and innovation in your projects. Movement Labs offers a comprehensive ecosystem that caters to your needs, fostering growth, security, and scalability in blockchain development. Join us and be part of the future of blockchain technology.

Time Frame

  • Starting date: June 3rd
  • Duration: 1 month hackathon

Financial Breakdown

With a revised total budget of $10,000 in fiat for immediate rewards and $15,000 in tokens for future airdrops, the distribution can be adjusted to provide more substantial future incentives for each category. Here’s how you could allocate the prizes among the DeFi, GameFi/SocialFi, and Infra categories:

Total Budget Breakdown

  • Total Fiat Budget: $20,000
  • Total Token Budget: $15,000

Fiat & Token Distribution

Total for Each Category

  • Fiat: $6,667 ($20,000 divided by 3)
  • Tokens: $5,000 ($15,000 divided by 3)

Placement Prizes within Each Category

For DeFi, GameFi/SocialFi, and Infra categories:

  1. 1st Place

    • Fiat: $4,000
    • Tokens: $3,000
  2. 2nd Place

    • Fiat: $2,000
    • Tokens: $1,500
  3. 3rd Place

    • Fiat: $667
    • Tokens: $500

General Judging Criteria for All Categories

Tech Stack Utilization (30%)

  • Maximum Points: 30
  • Criteria: Effectiveness in using the Movement Labs tech stack and integration of the Move programming language.

Innovation and Creativity (20%)

  • Maximum Points: 20
  • Criteria: Novelty of the solution and creative problem-solving approach.

Project Functionality and Completeness (20%)

  • Maximum Points: 20
  • Criteria: Functionality, execution quality, and feature completeness.

Ecosystem Impact and Scalability (15%)

  • Maximum Points: 15
  • Criteria: Potential impact on the Movement Labs ecosystem and scalability of the project.

Technical Complexity (15%)

  • Maximum Points: 15
  • Criteria: Level of technical complexity and sophistication.

Total General Points

  • General Criteria Total: 100 points

Specific Criteria for Each Category

For each of the categories (DeFi, GameFi, DAO), an additional set of points can be allocated based on the category-specific criteria:

DeFi: Market Fit and Use Case

  • Maximum Points: 25
  • Criteria: Market alignment and the project's necessity in the DeFi space.

GameFi/SocialFi: Game/social Design and User Engagement

  • Maximum Points: 25
  • Criteria: Engagement, fun factor, and user base potential.

Infra: Infrastructure Development and Support

  • Maximum Points: 25
  • Criteria: Effectiveness in facilitating infrastructure development and introducing innovative solutions.

Total Points for Each Category

Each project can earn up to 100 points from the general criteria and an additional 25 points from the specific criteria, making a total of 125 points possible for each project.

Scoring Method

  • Judges will score each project against each criterion, assigning points based on how well the project meets the criterion.
  • The scores from each judge for a project are then summed up across all criteria to get the project’s total score.
  • The projects within each category (DeFi, GameFi, Infra) can then be ranked based on their total scores to determine the winners.

Workshop and Course Strategy

Key Dates

  • Registration: June 3rd - June 24th
  • Open Ceremony: June 4th
  • Movement Labs 101: June 10th
  • Movement Labs 201: June 15th
  • Submission period: June 3rd - July 10th
  • Review period: July 10th - July 12th
  • Winner Announcement: July 15th

Workshop Details

Date Time(UTC) Workshop Presenters Details Links
June 11th 3pm Movement Labs 101 Jordan and Andy Intro to Movement Labs & our tech stack. Walk through Move Dapp. Walk through Sui Move Dapp. Movement Labs 101
June 14th 3pm Movement Labs 201 Andy G and Jordan Advanced dapp deployment in Move using tech stack. Movement Labs 201
June 17th 3pm Unlock the Future of Dapp Development with dddappp Serena Tan, Wubuku A Low-Code DSL Engine Built on Move Unlock the Future of Dapp Development with dddappp
June 18th 4pm Henry 101 Lawrence Introduction to Henry and its functionalities. Henry 101
June 19th 2pm Revolutionize DeFi and Gaming with Flex Protocol Serena Tan, Wubuku Powerful Swap Solutions Anywhere, Anytime Revolutionize DeFi and Gaming with Flex Protocol

Workshop Times

  • Movement Labs 101: June 11th, 3 PM UTC
  • Movement Labs 201: June 14th, 3 PM UTC
  • Unlock the Future of Dapp Development with dddappp: June 17th, 8:00 AM PST
  • Henry 101: June 18th, 4 PM UTC
  • Revolutionize DeFi and Gaming with Flex Protocol: June 19th, 7:00 AM PST

Developer Resources

Questions and Support

For any developer questions or concerns on the hackathon, visit our dev chat on Discord: https://discord.com/channels/1101576619493167217/1149139048003281066