Updated 257 days ago


To revolutionize satellite deployment strategies by D-Wave's Leap Hybrid Solver

  • Space 2.0

Members 1

Project Overview: Novel Satellite Constellation Optimization

Introduction The project focuses on optimizing the placement of satellites in constellations to maximize the overall coverage of a specified Earth region. This optimization problem is crucial in satellite communication systems, Earth observation, and various other applications where continuous coverage is essential. The implementation utilizes the D-Wave Ocean SDK, specifically the Leap Hybrid Solver Service for quantum optimization or Simulated Annealing (neal) for classical optimization.

Problem Definition

The optimization problem is defined by choosing a set of sub-constellations, each consisting of a subset of satellites. The goal is to maximize the sum of the average coverage within each chosen sub-constellation. The coverage of each satellite is represented by a score, which could be calculated as the percentage of time the Earth region is in the line of sight of the satellite.

Research Foundation

The project draws inspiration from a research paper authored by Booz Allen Hamilton researchers - G. Bass, C. Tomlin, V. Kumar, P. Rihaczek, J. Dulny III. The research paper explores the optimization of satellite constellations and formulates the problem as a Weighted K-Clique problem. The weighted cliques in the graph correspond to the chosen sub-constellations in the optimization problem.

Code Structure

The Python code provided is structured to be modular and readable. It follows best practices in coding conventions and includes comprehensive comments to enhance understanding. The code is encapsulated into functions, and a clear separation of concerns is maintained. The main functionalities of the code include reading input arguments, calculating scores, building a Binary Quadratic Model (BQM), and visualizing the solution.

Quantum and Classical Solvers

The implementation provides flexibility by supporting both quantum and classical solvers. The user can choose between the Leap Hybrid Solver Service (hss) for quantum optimization and Simulated Annealing (neal) for classical optimization. The selection of solvers reflects the adaptability of the code to different computational resources and problem complexities. ** Binary Quadratic Model (BQM)**

The heart of the optimization lies in the construction of a Binary Quadratic Model (BQM). The BQM represents the optimization problem and includes terms that encourage the selection of constellations with high scores while penalizing constellations that share satellites. The BQM construction is a critical step in formulating the problem in a way that is suitable for quantum or classical optimization algorithms.


The project recognizes the importance of visualization in understanding and interpreting the results. The code includes a visualization function that generates a scatter plot to depict the chosen constellations. Each constellation is represented by a set of satellites, and the plot provides an intuitive representation of the solution space.

**Usage and Input ** The project is designed to be user-friendly, with command-line arguments specifying the input file containing satellite data and the choice of solver. The input file is expected to be in JSON format, providing flexibility in data representation. The usage instructions are clearly outlined in the code comments and provide a straightforward way for users to interact with the optimization script.

Results and Analysis

Upon execution, the code outputs the chosen constellations, their individual scores, the total score, and a normalized score. The results are presented in a structured format, allowing users to assess the effectiveness of the optimization. The normalized score provides a relative measure of performance, taking into account the number of chosen constellations.


In conclusion, the Satellite Constellation Optimization project demonstrates a comprehensive approach to solving a real-world optimization problem using both quantum and classical solvers. The code showcases best practices in coding standards, modular design, and effective problem formulation. The integration of D-Wave's Leap Hybrid Solver Service and Simulated Annealing enhances the versatility of the code, making it applicable to a range of optimization scenarios. The visualization component adds a valuable layer of interpretability to the results, facilitating a deeper understanding of the chosen constellations' spatial distribution. Overall, the project stands as a testament to the advancements in optimization techniques and their practical applications in satellite communication and Earth observation systems.