Updated 3 days ago


A lightweight pixel **multicharacter**, Play To Earn dungeon game built on the Solana Devnet Blockchain, built with Phaser, powered by Metaplex NFT Marketplace Protocol. Our motivation is to enable users to own what you earn.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Solana
  • Defi
  • GameFi
  • Metaverse
  • X-2-Earn
  • ZK
  • Mobile
  • Metaplex

A lightweight pixel multicharacter, Play To Earn dungeon game built on the Solana Blockchain, built with Phaser, powered by Metaplex. Our motivation is to enable users to own what you earn.

FEATURES We built a lightweight pixel Play To Earn dungeon game built on the Solana Blockchain, built with Phaser. Our motivation is to enable users to own what you earn


Secure authentication with phantom wallet In Game Store NFT rewards as Level Passes that get stored in the Phantom Wallet $DUN(Dungeon) Token Rewards as Loot (SPL token) Auto save game progress on chain Metaplex Game storefront for buying game characters and using them as game assets as NFT. Every character is Rare and has unique abilities. Decentralised storage powered by ARWEAVE. Using Metaplex NFT storefront powered by Arweave, one can claim a character by minting it on the marketplace and later equip it by selecting/unselcting it from the trophy cabinet in the user's dashboard. Swap $SOL for $DUN(game token), on serum DEX swap (ALPHA) in game to deposit token in escrow to play. Tech Stack Solana, rust, React.js, TypeScript, Unity 3D, three.js, Metaplex

Anchor Frame along with Solana Program Library and Rust Smart Contracts were used to build the dApp and the game is built on React and Phaser.

Quick Start This app requires the following dependancies. Before continuing, download and install them:

Node.js Node.js 10 or higher is required. Anchor Install version v0.13.2 Solana Tool Suite Update Environment Variables Add candy machine config to .env

cp .env.example .env For this demo we have added our env variables, Feel free to update them.

Running the program locally cd program npm run build // This will build the program npm run deploy // This will deploy the program to the local solana network and copy idls generated to the client app. Running the app locally Install dependencies cd client npm install Create a mint authority npm run initialize Start the development server npm start view game at http://localhost:3000/

Gameplay Player has to defeat all the monsters, collect loot, get the keys to unlock the Solana token gate to pass the level. After finishing the level, the user get's a SPL NFT Token minted via the Metaplex Candy Machine Standard Contract and the metadata is stored on ArWeave.

Everytime, the user collects a chest, he is minted 20 DGN tokens as a reward

These tokens are not to be minted once collected. Progress of the game is stored on-chain via the Solana Escrow Program.

Choose Multiple Characters using metaplex