Updated 270 days ago


One-stop DeFi operation hub / Lego for the Sui ecosystem

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Sui
  • Defi


DeFi can seem complex, especially with LP staking. Swap, add liquidity, and impermanent loss make it risky.

But a product that lets you stake one type of asset, offering up to 200% returns with a 10% potential loss, sounds simpler and more approachable.

Simplify DeFi products with clear earnings and risk descriptions. This approach aligns with traditional finance (ETFs, ILPs, funds) and encourages greater participation and adoption.

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🔹・What is Strater

Starter is a one-stop DeFi operation hub for the Sui ecosystem, integrating protocols like lending, DEX, and LST assets.

By using programmable transactions, we aim to maximize the advantages of each DeFi protocol, simplifying on-chain operations like leveraging and yield boosting in on-click making it more accessible to the public.

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・Pitch Deck on Figma

・Demo Site

・Github Repo

🔹・Why Sui - Programmable Transaction Block

・Chained Input and Output → Achieve data flow and complex logic construction

・Atomic Execution → Ensure data consistency and security.

・High Expressiveness and Efficiency → support up to 1,024 transactions

・Customizable Application Building → Different contracts / assets can interact and collaborate within the same transaction.


🔹・Scenario : Leverage on Bucket

Leverage is proved scenario in legacy and trading market — deposit same collateral but borrow more assets to maximize your trading.

This strategy makes good use of Sui Programmable Transaction to achieve leverage by completing multiple "Stake SUI → Borrow BUCK → Buy SUI with BUCK" transactions within the same Epoch, using the same amount of collateral to borrow more BUCK and increase the efficiency of capital utilization.

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How it works ?

By using Flash loan function built-in Bucket , allow investors to flash borrow SUI within same transaction block, increase the collateral limit & size.

  1. Input your SUI amount
  2. Set target leverage , from 1.5 ~ 3x
  3. Flash Loan USDC from Bucket Protocol
  4. Swap USDC for SUI on Cetus
  5. Deposit SUI to borrow BUCK on Bucket
  6. Swap BUCK for USDC on KriyaDEX
  7. Deposit USDC to borrow BUCK on Bucket
  8. Swap BUCK for SUI on KriyaDEX
  9. Stake SUI to Mysten-2 get afSUI
  10. Deposit afSUI as collateral on Bucket
  11. Repay Flash loan USDC to Bucket
  12. Get 1.5 ~ 3x collateral amount in afSUI

🔹・Scenario : LST Transformer on Scallop

Convert your SUI to LST to earn higher yield ( afSUI , HASUI , voloSUI )

What is LST ?

LST ( Liquid Staking Tokens ) Vaults operate by converting users' existing Sui collateral into interest-bearing LST assets such as afSUI, voloSUI, and HASUi.

As LSTs are appreciating assets, leveraging with LST theoretically allows borrowing of more assets, while also potentially bringing in more yield.

How it works

  1. If you had Sui Collateral on Scallop
  2. Repay Sui Debt
  3. Convert Sui to afSUI on Aftermath
  4. Deposit afSUI on Scallop

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