Updated 297 days ago


AstorFi is a crypto currency index and index based investment DeFi. The main objective of this project is to innovate based on recent advancements in blockchain and build one of the most used traditional finance instrument, Index Funds.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Polygon
  • Chainlink
  • Defi


1. The prototype site will only works in browsers with metamask extension.
2. Our chainlink automations are not working, we found this after we made the video. We are pulling out of chainlink track and removing the automation codes. 


DeFi does not have a fully decentralized Index Fund yet. The lack of diversified portfolio creation derivative like index fund in DeFi is not good, specially when we are disrupting the traditional financial system.


astor flow.png



  1. Index is an ERC20 smart contract which will hold all the portfolio tokens like BTC, ETH, LINK, MATIC, etc, which makes the Index.
  2. The ownership of Index Token represents the ownership over all the portfolio tokens held by the Index.
  3. Index smart contract uses Balancer's weighted pool methodology for minting, burning the Index Token liquidity and balancing the pool.
  4. The weights used can be Market cap weights or particularly chosen weights.
  1. Indexes can be comprised of 10,20,50,500 portfolio tokens, depositing or withdrawing all the tokens at once will easily run txn out of gas and fail the txn.
  2. Balancer's algorithm provide facility to deposit/withdraw single token but depositing 10,20 or 500 tokens individually will certainly kill the DeFi.
  3. The weights of the portfolio tokens are dependent on external markets, how will the Index Token balance the weights and token holdings.


  1. CashPools are innovated for solving the problem of deposit/withdraw actions of 10,20 or 500 portfolio tokens.
  2. CashPool will have a base token (USDT, ETH, MATIC, etc) and an IndexToken, it will receive investments in base token from users.
  3. In a fixed interval (for e.g 2 times a day), CashPool will exchange the base token on swaps with required portfolio tokens and deposit them into the IndexToken one-by-one for minting IndexToken ERC20.
  4. Users then can collect their share from each settlement cycle.
  1. How the time-based automation will be achieved?
  2. How the swap and minting of Index Tokens will be achieved in a most decentralized way.
  1. Chainlink has recently launched Chainlink Functions and Chainlink Automation, which can make the Index Fund DeFi a reality now.
  2. Time-based automation functions will oversee the Index Token rebalance (each Index Token will have personal rebalance automation function) and Initiating the settlements in CashPools.
  3. Event-based automation functions will monitor each step of swap for maintaining the weight of Index Token.


Right now AMM is not part of the Astor platform, but all the Index Tokens will ERC20 and hence can be traded on any supporting platform independently.

Competitive advantage

  1. Big Finance institutions have launched several crypto index funds for their investors.
  2. Our DeFi's first advantage will be it's decentralization and the foundation of blockchain itself.
  3. Our Governance token (theoretical) will provide each holders rights to choose the composition, choose the weights of new Index, change the weights, change the compositions of existing Index.

Business model

  1. A platform fee will be charged by the CashPools.
  2. The accrued fee will first support the Chainlink's Automation cost and then distributed to all the holders.


  1. Astor contract: https://github.com/JaisPiyush/astor-contracts
  2. Astor UI: https://github.com/JaisPiyush/astor-ui
  3. Astor backend: https://github.com/JaisPiyush/astor-backend


  1. Pitch deck: https://pitch.com/v/Astor-8bmfb7