Updated 260 days ago

Solar Thermal power plant for Mars

To generate Alternating -current on Mars.

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Power point presentation link https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VpJ8GGXdyH5h-Jwmxnh7b33NAqSP_HC3HUmsM47Hddw/edit#slide=id.p

It is a project on renewable energy for Mars habitation and civilization. It was conferenced on the dated 7th October,2023 at the international convention of the Mars society . The presentation proof is here https://github.com/Trishul2023/mdrs_bharat-dehingia/issues/4 The principle of this device is to generate AC output from steam energy. Steam energy will be generated from liquid Carbon dioxide with the help of solar irradience of Martian environment. Mars has 1/3rd Solar Flux density of our mother Earth.

To support our project donate https://github.com/Trishul2023/mdrs_bharat-dehingia/issues/3