Updated 313 days ago


Introduce yourself to others in real life it's difficult, specially if you are introverted, or you are attending on your own an event as Zuzalu, and not knowing anyone else.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Gnosis Chain / xDAI
  • Metamask
  • NFT
  • GameFi
  • ZK
  • Social

We have developed a social application to help people ice braking in real life. Helping people to connect by matching their compatibility by their zodiac sign. In our application users can generate their birth chart, and store locally using zuPass. If they have generated it before, they can retrieve their birth chart from zuPass. After users can check their compatibility with other participants by tapping on their NFC jubmoji cards, where we use the key stored to them, to map the users' sign value. If their compatibility is higher than 90%, then they will be able to mint a POAP, enhancing users to tap and connect with more persons to collect the "ZuKemons" like "pokemon game". Also, the users can get their daily personalized Horoscope, community announcements, and access to other personalized features based on their zodiac sign.