Updated 313 days ago

Diet Coke

Diet Coke is proof of concept project inspired by the idea of [DAICO](https://ethresear.ch/t/explanation-of-daicos/465), coined by Vitalik in 2018. Diet Coke’s vision is to combine the strengths of both DAO and ICO to create a decentralized, legitimate, and investor-friendly ecosystem. We believe DAICO addresses challenges in ICO fundraising mechanisms by introducing a more democratic and secure way to fund and manage projects.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • DAO / Community
  • Fundraising

Members 4

Project Initiation: - Founders provide project information, token information and governance mechanism, creating projects on Diet Coke that is aligned with the original DAICO vision. Investment: - Investors make informed decisions, assessing project background, taking into account of tap rates before seamlessly transferring funds. - Tokens are received based on the project's tap rate. Receiving Funding: - Raised funds flow to projects based on the tap rate governed by the community (investors). Governance Proposals: - Founders propose changes, and the community decides through a democratic voting process. - A 51% majority is required for governance proposals to be accepted. Investor Protection: - Investors can trigger self-destruct mode, reclaiming funds and nullifying their investment if the project fails to meet expectations.