Updated 313 days ago

Distributed Trials

A decentralized infrastructure for communities to participate in distributed research trials on biological and environmental data.

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This BUIDL leverages blockchain-ready smart wearable devices (SmarKo) with integrated PPG sensors that can hash the captured bio and environmental data. This technology enables users to have full control over the captured data as it is locally stored on their devices. The BUIDL leverages ZuPass as a way for communities to prove their participation on different trials without revealing their personal information nor identity. We included features to ensure that users can only submit data once and not tamper it. The data generated by the device is also used as the basis for a soul bound NFT for trial participants as a proof of participation.

WIP Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WZKgpMPLZ7SdQdvkhx6LcJN9d3amAU0onz8HPamLgDc/edit#slide=id.p