Updated 313 days ago


Aggregate sources and zk prove your identity!

  • Crypto / Web3
  • ZK
  • Privacy
  • Social
  • Identity

Members 2

Zero-knowledge identity tools like zk-email and proof of passport allow users to prove aspects of their identity while only selectively disclosing private information.

However, on their own, most of these tools aren't convincing. One can steal someone else's passport or hack their email to impersonate them.

Wouldn't it be cool to combine multiple sources of identity together?

Totem allows users to prove invariants like their name or email address across multiple sources. For instance, without disclosing my name I can prove that:

  • I received an email from the government calling me by my name
  • I own a valid passport
  • Both attest to the same name

In this proof of concept, we extract data from a French passport and an email from the French Ministry of Public Finances and prove they refer to the same name without disclosing it.