Updated 347 days ago

Blocktrain Builders

Currently, there is a lack of transparency in who owns the data and how models are trained in the current AI ecosystem. There is an absence of robust mechanisms to control who can access and use AI models, as well as a lack of clear governance structures. There is often a complete lack of, or unfair distribution of revenue generated from AI models, which often doesn't favor the actual data providers.

  • AI / Robotics

Solution overview: Empowering transparent AI model management and fair revenue sharing through the synergy of OKP4's governance and Akash's deployment ease

**Data-Training and Model Transparency **OKP4's Prolog-powered Logic Module enables clear, rule-based governance. The integrity of Datasets in training AI models can be ensured with OKP4 **Revenue Sharing **Law-stone Smart Contracts ensure secure and transparent revenue distribution. **Decentralized Deployment **Akash's platform facilitates permissionless deployment of AI models.