Updated 321 days ago

LIQ Auctions

Social Bid-to-Earn Auctions for Tokenized Assets

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Polygon
  • NFT
  • Metaverse
  • X-2-Earn
  • Account Abstraction
  • Social
  • biconomy
  • moralis
  • reservoir
  • privy

We're building the most efficient, engaging, and fomo-inducing auction platform for tokenized assets. Our initial target market is tokenized real-world assets (phygitals) on Polygon like Courtyard Pokemon cards.

Problem & Opportunity

As more and more collectibles start to become tokenized and brought on chain there's going to be a need to be a way for people to sell high-value illiquid assets without off-ramping. Auctions are the best for that and we have a few optimizations that make auctions even better than anything else currently offered.

Instant Liquidity: provides sellers with immediate access to funds, even before an auction ends. Each bid is fully backed, ensuring sellers can withdraw funds akin to receiving an advance. As the bids increase, the sellers' available balance also increases, enabling them to utilize the funds as needed. Our auction protocol not only boosts the sellers' confidence but also invigorates the overall auction process.

Incentivized Bidding: Liq encourage participants to place higher bids early, creating a dynamic and competitive environment from the outset. Bidders are attracted to this approach as they receive rewards derived from the sellers' fees, effectively turning every bid into a potential gain. The adjustable reward rate, ranging from 3% to a substantial 10%, sets our system apart from conventional auctions that often see activity only in the closing moments. In contrast, our approach ensures a consistent influx of eager bidders from start to finish.


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Tech Stack

  • Solidity
  • Biconomy
  • Privy
  • Moralis
  • NEXT
  • Supabase

Smart Contract: https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0x190eb5eadbd12e885f0100ae88a140d4ce5ac76a#code

What's Next

  1. Invite only beta
  2. Fiat on-ramp & off-ramp integration
  3. Multi-asset auctions (think Azuki skateboard auctions)
  4. Live audio & video
  5. Interchain auctions

Revenue Model

  1. Buyers premium
  2. AaaS (Auctions-as-a-Service)
  3. Launchpad auctions with creators and brands

Demo Information Demo is hosted on the Mumbai Testnet

  1. Login and create an account using email, wallet or social (you may need to refresh after creating account / logging in to get redirected)
  2. If you don't have USDC please load mumabai testnet USDC into your wallet.
  3. Feel free to bid and chat. You do NOT need Matic to bid, settle, or receive rewards from the auctions as our smart contract is ERC-2771 compatible