Updated 352 days ago


Randomly generate all maps on-chain game.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Secret Network
  • GameFi


  • This project is an application that generates fully-on-chain maps randomly using Secret VRF.
  • Over the past year, there has been a growing interest in full-on-chain games among some developers, with Autonomous Worlds (AW) being a key keyword.
  • Anticipating the development of on-chain games not only in the Ethereum ecosystem but also in the Cosmos ecosystem, I developed this project as a PoC (Proof of Concept).
  • I think randomness is a crucial element in on-chain games, and I hope this project can provide some insights for future games that utilize randomness.


  1. User calls map-randomgen contract.
  2. map-randomgen contract get random number from Secret VRF.
  3. Next, map-randomgen contract generates a random map by using the random number as seed.
  4. map-randomgen contract return generated map to user.