Updated 366 days ago

Digital Nomad Admission

HackerHouse Admission

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • Infura
  • DAO / Community
  • ZK
  • Privacy
  • Social
  • Creator Economy

During HackeZuzalu, we collected feedback from Zuzalu core organizers and heard about their pain points during their hacker house operation, which included:

Hacker no-show. Unknown/Obscure hackers background. Celebrity hackers multiple admission. So we design a ZK system to address those issue, collect feedback from housemate and help hackers to create reputation in their hacker house experience.

During the hackathon, we

designed the user flow: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1bTYdwtyM6AtHFze7CGTPi0MLhbaZnvYMPp1Jh49JDpw/edit#slide=id.g24534cce696_0_5

build smart contract: Sepolia [0x240B6EDbEaf460DC3Ba6876142692EC23bA52099]

created ZK approach: [https://github.com/nomad-hacker/anon-feedback]

We design our system around those problems. We use ZKP and Semaphore for anonymous attestation. Hackers can collect anonymous feedback from their housemates. we allow them to input their information but only close friends and family can attest. Their verification can contribute to the hackers reputation, for future hacker house host reference.