Updated 401 days ago

Interactive AI NFT Avatars on opBNB / BSC / BNB Greenfield

Interactive AI NFT Avatars on opBNB / BSC / BNB Greenfield: Redefining Identity and Value in Gaming, Unleashed Within the AILAND AAA Web3 Shooter Game

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • BNB Chain
  • IPFS
  • Metamask
  • NFT
  • GameFi
  • Metaverse
  • X-2-Earn
  • Web3 Game
  • opBNB

Members 4


Project Title

Interactive AI NFT Avatars on opBNB / BSC / BNB Greenfield: Redefining Identity and Value in Gaming

1. Introduction

  • Overview: We proudly present a transformative synergy between gaming, blockchain, and generative AI: Interactive AI NFT Avatars seamlessly integrated into opBNB / BSC / BNB Greenfield's ecosystem, with a unique integration within the immersive AAA WEB3 shooter game, AILAND.
  • Problem Statement: The gaming world lacks personalized and value-driven interactions, often isolating players from their virtual personas. Additionally, the potential for turning in-game prowess into real-world value remains largely untapped.
  • Solution: Our innovation bridges these gaps by introducing dynamic AI NFT avatars on opBNB / BSC / BNB Greenfield. These avatars act as interactive skins in AILAND, enabling players to engage with their unique creations and trade them on OpenSea, thus revolutionizing gaming identity and monetization.

2. Demo

Presentation slides

Link to presentation slides

3. Problem Statement

  • Challenge: Gamers yearn for a deeper connection with their virtual identities, often hindered by static in-game elements.
  • Importance: As the gaming industry continues to surge, user-centric experiences play a pivotal role in sustaining growth.
  • Limitations: Conventional in-game assets lack depth, personalization, and the capacity to translate to real-world value.

4. Solution

  • AI NFT Avatars: We introduce AI-powered NFT avatars, enabling players to interact with their avatars through voice or text commands and use them as skins in AILAND.
  • Personalization and Engagement: Each avatar is a unique creation reflecting player preferences, fostering engagement and personal identity.
  • Monetization and Value: AI NFT avatars are tradable on OpenSea, paving the way for players to earn through their virtual assets.

5. Technology Stack

  • Smart Contracts: Leveraging Solidity for secure avatar ownership and transactions.
  • AI Integration: Utilizing OpenAI API for generating diverse and interactive avatar responses to user's prompts.
  • Blockchain Integration: Seamlessly embedding AI NFT avatars within opBNB / BSC / BNB Greenfield's infrastructure.
  • BNB Greenfield Storage: Utilizing BNB Greenfield for storing 3D metadata and assets, ensuring efficient and decentralized data management.
  • Speech SDK: Integrating Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech SDK for seamless text-to-speech and speech-to-text interactions, enhancing avatar engagement and player interactions.

6. Features and Functionality

  • Dynamic Interactions: Avatars respond to voice or text commands, creating immersive and interactive experiences.
  • AILAND Integration: Avatars serve as customizable skins within the AILAND AAA WEB3 shooter game, enhancing player identity.
  • Cross-Chain Transfer: Thanks to ZetaChain technology, players can seamlessly transfer AI NFT avatars between BSC and other blockchains.
  • OpenSea Marketplace: AI NFT avatars are tradable on OpenSea, establishing real-world value for virtual assets.
  • SDK for Game Developers: We provide an Interactive AI NFT Avatars SDK, allowing game developers to explore our implementation, integrate similar features into their games.

AI NFT.jpg

7. Challenges Faced

  • AI Integration: Enabling the seamless synthesis of AI-generated voice-enabled interactive responses to user prompts. Each avatar's distinctive personality is derived from the NFT metadata.
  • NFT Standardization: Designing a uniform AI NFT format compatible with opBNB / BSC / BNB Greenfield's ecosystem.
  • AILAND Integration: Integrating AI NFT avatars as interactive skins within AILAND's gameplay.

8. Future Enhancements

  • User-Created Avatars: Empower users to design and create their own AI avatars, fostering individuality and creativity. Enable them to monetize these avatars by trading.
  • Selfie-to-Realistic Avatar: Introduce a groundbreaking feature that allows users to convert their own selfies into realistic AI avatars, enhancing personal connection and immersion.
  • Expanded Social Integration: Enable avatar interactions in virtual environments beyond gaming.
  • Interoperability: Players can use their avatars across various opBNB / BSC / BNB Greenfield games as all metadata is stored in the NFT.

9. Impact and Benefits

  • Personalized Engagement: Players experience heightened connection and immersion through interactive AI avatars.
  • Monetization Opportunities: Players can monetize their avatars by trading them on OpenSea.
  • Community Growth: The opBNB / BSC / BNB Greenfield ecosystem flourishes with increased engagement and the seamless integration of AILAND's interactive AI NFT avatars.

10. Interactive AI NFT Avatars SDK

For those interested in exploring the technical details, we have created the Interactive AI NFT Avatars SDK. This repository contains the Unity game project and smart contracts used in the game. With the SDK, you can dive into the project's codebase and discover how the interactive AI NFT avatars were implemented, how smart contracts were deployed, and how various features were integrated.

GitHub Repository:

Interactive AI NFT Avatars SDK


11. Conclusion

  • Our project unlocks an innovative avenue for gamers to deeply engage with their digital personas and reap real-world rewards.
  • We extend our heartfelt gratitude for the opportunity to contribute to the BNB Hackvolution hackathon.

12. Contact Information and Resources

  • Website: ailand.app
  • Email Address: team@ailand.app
  • Phone Number / Telegram: +351965096200 / @INF_INI_TY / @Andreas_0xAI
  • Location: AFI+ Network, R. da Madalena 111, 1100-319 Lisbon
  • Social Media and Github: GitHub Twitter

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