Updated 456 days ago

Mantle: Pooled Bounty

A smart contract deployed on the Mantle Testnet

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • Metamask
  • NFT

I am pleased to provide a comprehensive submission for the Mantle pooled bounty, outlining the steps taken to complete the project and fulfill all the necessary requirements.

  1. Deployment on Mantle Testnet: The smart contract has been successfully deployed on the Mantle testnet. The deployment process was carried out smoothly, ensuring the contract is operational and accessible. You can access the deployed smart contract through the Mantle Explorer using the provided link: 0xb517f10aa5c648e778cd588b5593457b36f8e4cf17f7a36d61202f76a11b6d2f
  2. Twitter Mention: To acknowledge and promote my experience using Mantle, I made a tweet about the project and mentioned @0xMantle. The link to the tweet can be found here: https://twitter.com/webdesigndeb/status/1670308128619986944?s=20.
  3. GitHub Repository: To facilitate collaboration and provide access to the project's codebase, documentation, and additional resources, a dedicated GitHub repository was created. https://github.com/webdeborah/Mantle-Smart-Contract

By accomplishing these requirements, this smart contract successfully meets the submission criteria for this hackathon. With the smart contract deployed on the Mantle testnet, the Twitter mention, and the provision of a GitHub repository, all the necessary steps have been taken to satisfy the requirements.

Thank you for the opportunity to participate. If you have any further questions or need additional information, please let me know.