Updated 507 days ago


Proboscis Exoticverse by Metazera

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • Aptos
  • Infura
  • Chainlink
  • NFT
  • GameFi

Aptos Grant Dao

2024/05/08 → 2024/10/03

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With the Road Map extending to 5 years ahead, through our team of experts we aim to expand the reach of our projects extensively to familiarize NFTs to the public eye.

By educating and shaping the perspective of the majority towards the culture and ecosystem of crypto, we hope to disperse the uncertainty people have over crypto, especially NFTs. Additionally, by making our product risk-minimal, easily accessible, and ultimately beneficial we aim to encourage people to participate in the market more than before.

Our first road map is creating projects in Blockchain. There will be 9 projects/ 9-Gen, with different road maps for each project/gen. The main core for our projects is NFT, but not just that. We will have many cores ahead along the METAZERA products. Our first project /Gen-1 is called Proboscis Exoticverse (PEV) and it is an NFT and Game-Fi project. And also our side project/Gen from it, Proboscis Exoticverse Aptos Edition.

Proboscis Exoticverse (PEV) is an artwork-based NFT project created by Metazera. There are 5,400 hand-drawn authentic characters, each uniquely generated through our system. We aim to create an ecosystem that lavishes its owners with social, financial, and mutual benefits. We democratize our NFT to become accessible to the general public.

We do multichain, we have our NFT Supply for ETH, Aptos, and already ready to be mint at Bitcoin (Ordinal).