Updated 697 days ago

Quinoa Investments

One-Click Asset Management with NFTfi

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Polygon
  • Klaytn
  • NFT

Members 4

For Defi Mass Adoption, Quinoa reframed the experience of Defi investment process into the trading experience of a financial commodity like funds of positions.

Structured Products for Investments in Defi Ecosystem
DAC, the strategist groups, can construct structured products formed in NFT where their strategies on defi ecosystems. The strategies of products can be yield farmings, baskets of crypto-assets, active-trading.

One-Click BUY/SELL Defi Investment Position
Users can BUY or SELL their investment position, as NFT products owned by the user, in a similar experience to traditional Stocks or Funds trading. All the troublesome serial transactions during investing experience can be avoided. The only thing the user need to do is BUY/SELL position for investing.

On-Chain Realtime Metadata for Investment as a NFT
The funds of users are owned by the users in vaults on which the strategies are being performed. NFTs tell the information about the investment product and the current users' position in a real-time and in on-chain way. Since NFTs are displayed on any Dapps, users truly own and identify their portfolios and its position on the blockchain network.

Docs : https://docs.quinoa.investments