Updated 731 days ago


A Web 3.0 marketing influence network

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • BNB Chain
  • Aptos
  • Polygon
  • Avalanche
  • Arbitrum

Genki aims to build a web 3.0 marketing influence network. It is developed by entrepreneurs who were Ex-Binance and Microsoft. Combining verifiable capability and a delegable framework, Genki empowers network participants to coordinate and collaborate based on verifiable trust.

The main idea behind Genki is to make the marketing easier and more effective. GenkiBox, our first product, has stormed over 70+ clients and 150+ campaigns. We are integrating Aptos to empower Aptos builders can have a crypto native way to do their marketing campaign. They can deploy on-and-off chain quests to verify user behaviors fast and simple dashboard to check the growth funnel and retention analysis.