Updated 788 days ago

Student Data System

Student Data System with neo NFT, Students’ data can be saved in the neo network for permanent storage without any inconvenience to users.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • NEO
  • NFT


With the rapid development of information construction in primary and secondary schools, each school is establishing its own information system, which has encountered many problems, such as server’s infection with virus, hardware problems, system replacement, or personnel replacement. Therefore, student data (scores) often get lost and then cannot be saved permanently. Blockchain technology can perfectly solve this problem, and I finally found its real application----developing a system combining centralization and blockchain technology to complement each other and give full play to their respective advantages rather than replacing each other.

What it does

By providing a simple and convenient operation interface in the traditional one, the system mints an NFT to permanently save the data in the NFT,yet not bringing complexity to managers and operators.In the later stage, the user data can be encrypted, which makes these data only belong to the user himself, and enlives these data. Also, this grants the pass to NEO ecology and mutually benefits other applications of NEO ecology.

How we built it

The core design idea is that each student has a unique NEO account. Each report card of a student corresponds to an NFT. The whole NFT includes the student's grades of various subjects and the comments of the tutor. Considering that the content of the tutor's comments is too large, users can save them to NEOFS first, and then save the NEOFS address as an NFT attribute.Then the student's NEO account is associated with the NFT. In this way, users can find out all the historical score data of the student through his or her NEO account.

Challenges we ran into

Before this, I had the experience of research and development only in traditional BS projects. I started to learn NEO technology from the scratch. First, I had a comprehensive understanding through the official website, contacted experienced relevant developers for consultation via various social media like Wechat, GitHub and Discord, and participated in many workshops provided by the official site to learn a lot of knowledge. Without their enthusiastic and professional help, it would be impossible for me to complete this development task. Through this close contact with NEO technology, I really felt the convenience provided by NEO ecology to developers. With the full stack development tools for multiple programming languages provided by NEO ecology, I can easily get access to the whole blockchain ecosystem, integrate into the NEO community and answer some technical questions raised by community users to provide a force for the development of NEO ecology.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

The integration of blockchain technology into traditional business is what I have always been keen on. In the construction of school informatization , I found the combination between them, so that NEO blockchain technology can be truly applied to practical daily applications. A multitude of development tools and document support through NEO technology help save my learning time , so I can make this attempt confidently . It is proved that it is technically feasible. In the future construction and promotion of school informatization, I will make users feel the changes brought to them by NEO blockchain technology most directly .

What we learned

Through this close contact with NEO technology, I really felt the convenience provided by NEO ecology to developers. With the full stack development tools for multiple programming languages provided by NEO ecology, I can easily get access to the whole blockchain ecosystem, integrate into the NEO community and answer some technical questions raised by community users to provide a force for the development of NEO ecology.

What's next for Student Data System

Through NEO ecology, the system ensures the permanent storage of students' important data and their authenticity, and generates a unique NFT. Students’ examination results can be and then some key daily performance is expected to be stored to form students’ files permanently.The school can save the data on the chain by purchasing gas. Different schools buy gas as the fuel cost required for the uplink according to their actual situation. With the promotion of schools which have finished information construction, the system can accumulate the number of users and generate value data. In the later stage, these NFT data can be encrypted for the division of authority. For example, the owner authorizes a NEO acount to search for the data within the specified period, so that these NFTs can only belong to the user and be filled with vitality. Above all, this helps achieve the pass to NEO ecology and mutually benefit with other applications of Neo ecology.

Smart Contract hash on TestNet :
