Updated 672 days ago


Become the the most used web 3.0 marketing and on-chain tracking platform

  • Crypto / Web3
  • BNB Chain
  • Avalanche

What is Genki?

Genki plans to be a web 3.0 community on-ramp platform where projects, channels, users, and validators build new connections in a trustless way.


Explore new projects and learn skills by completing different task cards. Users collect NFT and level up ranking with completed quests on Genki. Have fun and craft unique Web 3.0 maps with the community.


By knowing each channel’s on-chain profiles, projects save cost on searching channels for community and marketing. Projects’ Quests deployed on Genki will be picked up by global users and influencers in a trustless way. Rewards are distributed based on the on-chain performance. Projects can evaluate the results in the Genki dashboard and adjust further strategy.


Turn your loyal followers into value in a Web 3.0 way. Choose the interested quests on Genki. Register the ID and create referral links from Genki Smart contracts. Every new member you bring into the Web 3.0 world will be rewarded with appointed rewards from Dapps or Genki. Accumulating the on-chain credentials will unlock many more opportunities in the crypto world.


To achieve our vision of decentralized protocol, we divide Genki into 3 stages

Stage 1: GenkiBox - Web 2.0 quests + Web 3.0 quests

Genki provides projects with a one-stop station to deploy their campaigns. Currently, there are no tools that can support social media quests and on-chain quests at the same time. Through Genki, projects can evaluate a completed user journey starting from social media to Dapps and Genki will provide more add-on features, examples: Spam/Airdrop hunter filter. This further helps projects to reward the right users and achieve long-term growth.

Stage 2: Genki Matching Platform

Continuing the cornerstone of Stage 1, we will expand the service to channels including twitter/youtube influencers. On this platform, we help them to outreach broader marketing deals and record their referral behaviors for future on-chain credentials. On the other hand, projects benefit from the platform by browsing on-chain tracking records of different channels. For example: A DeFi project can quickly choose channels with DeFi tags and know what this channel has done before.

This platform will become the biggest crypto matching platform which helps projects and channels save time and have a win-win relationship.

Stage 3: Fully decentralized Genki

After Stage 1 and Stage 2, Genki has accumulated relationships with projects, channels and users. Plus, there will be a lot of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 quests integrated on the platform. Based on all of these, it will be the right timing to push this network effect further. All existing partners can participate to become Genki shareholders for the launch of this fully decentralized protocol.

The amazing part of decentralized Genki is that. It is transparent in such a way whereby projects can match with channels in a trustless way; It is scalable that every component is based on smart contracts. From quest deployment, channel registration, quest verification to reward distribution can be automated; It is composable that other projects can leverage the existing quest or on-chain relationships to build their component.

We believe the marketing way will change in the Web 3.0 world. An open network can bring more efficient matching, and return the data value to every participant.

Why we build Genki?

The industry has been through a booming year of 2021. There are 17k projects across different public chains listed on CMC and Coingecko. However we are still using the old ways to do marketing. Projects spend extra time and cost on channels to grow their user base, but there is no completed conversion funnel on the blockchain.

As a result, we start thinking about how to build a decentralized platform for on-ramp users for future projects.

This is how the name "Genki" was originated

Welcome to Genki

あ元気ですか When you hear this sentence next time? Remember you knew this new word in Japanese. It means “How are you”?

The idea of Genki project comes from 元気 (Energy) and Genki Dama from Dragon Ball.

Unique facts about Genki

  • Genki connects projects, channels, validators, and users together.
  • Genki will build a stronger Web 3.0 world.
  • Genki is warm and shareable.
  • We embrace newcomers to touch the crypto world and encourage crypto natives to educate friends around them
  • Genki lives in every one of us.
  • Genki is valuable as the same speaking language in the community.
  • Genki holders are active participants in Dapps and will be rewarded by projects.
  • Genki holders participate in governance to co-build the ecosystem. Accumulating
  • Genki unlocks many more future opportunities.

We are looking forward for the day when “GM” becomes “あ元気ですか”. The day we embrace 1 billion crypto users.

Contact us through

Email: jeff@genki.io Telegram: jeff_taiwan