Updated 930 days ago


NFT-backed lending protocol offering instant liquidity via pooling

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • NFT

Members 4

Bunker.finance is a decentralized protocol for NFT-backed loans. We use Compound’s pooling mechanism to facilitate instant borrowing and lending, removing the need for borrowers and lenders to wait to be matched with a counterparty. As a result, we are able to offer a superior UX to both borrowers and lenders.

We integrated with Yearn v3's USDC and WETH vaults and use them as a place to earn interest on funds that are currently not being supplied to borrowers.

We plan on integrating with Rarible's NFT indexer service to display NFTs in the modal which displays the user's NFTs available to deposit, once Rarible finishes adding support for CryptoPunks, which are the first kind of collateral we will support.