Updated 621 days ago


SAFU Place to Hodl Your Stablecoins

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • BNB Chain
  • Polygon
  • DAO / Community
  • Defi

Decentralized, Permission-less, Trust-less and Non Custodial No Loss DEFi and DAO Protocol managed by Smart Contracts on EVM Blockchain networks.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The name of our protocol is an ironic name. We have chosen it in contrast to big protocols that enjoy millions of dollars and expensive audits in which we, as users, have lost a lot of money due to the hacks they have had.

We are a small team but we know what we are doing.

PONZIPOT is a protocol where you can have fun lending, farming, earning, governing and participating in no loss lotteries. ALL IN ONE PLACE. There is NO WAY you can lose. The only place where investments can go is UP. You will always get more than your deposit.

PONZIPOT is a lending aggregator where a collective of members shares a decentralized pot to contribute and distribute yield based on their participation.

Yield does not depend on new investors deposits. All proceeds from deposits are staked in lending protocols.

The use of stablecoins and earnings coming from a real source of yield makes Ponzipot a No Risk protocol. You don´t have to care about impermanent loss or price fluctuations.

Pots has no Owner or Central Authority. All participants becomes members of the DAO that governs the Pot Reserves through proposals and on-chain voting.