Updated 4 days ago


A platform for payments, savings and cards, designed for the APTOS ecosystem, to offer a complete and simple experience to users.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Aptos
  • DeFi
  • Mobile
  • Payments

Click here for the Pitch Deck

The problem

Let’s start by asking the most obvious question: Have we really Banked the unbanked and reached the final consumer in our Web3 Applications? The answer for this regrettably is a big NO.

The DeFi world and certain projects such as uniswap have proven to be resilient and a decentralized way to Borrow, lend and earn. However, to achieve widespread adoption, we must cater to everyday consumers, including major retailers and mom-and-pop shops. And at the same time offer something more to these users.

Let me share with you an experience we had this Q1 of 2024, we were allocating telecommunications systems in a very underserved community in our country. And the deal is not really the job per se, but that we were able to see and feel the financial divide. We had to work with individual residences and in some cases pay the people living there and that’s where our problems began as we had to live the fact that only about 65% of people there are banked. Mostly this is caused by a horrid user experience, because most of the people over there had cellphone even high end ones.


eVault is a blockchain wallet and platform that empowers undeserved communities through saving. Employing novel Blockchain technologies through Aptos such as Batch transactions and optimized savings. It also combines it with TradFi via seamless card payments.

Improvements and traction

  • Big one!: We developed a system that enables any debit or credit card from traditional banks to be used for crypto payments. By securely hashing NFC data from physical cards, our solution integrates with existing TradFi payment infrastructure while ensuring cardholder information remains protected.
  • New and improved UI!
  • Debugged quite a lot of glitches and issues
  • Batch transactions heavily improved.
  • Alpha test on several businesses!
  • Went to the Aptos experience to receive feedback from Aptos' top echelon!

Extended Aptos experience video:


System Diagrams:

  • Main Account: Within the schematics you can see that we have our main wallet, which is a Non Custodial Wallet, to which you will have to save its mnemonic at the time of its creation.

  • Savings Account: This wallet, like the previous one, is a Non Custodial Wallet, which will save the savings on each transaction according to the chosen savings protocol.

  • Card Account: This wallet, the same as the previous one, is a Custodial Wallet, this, unlike being controlled through the Main Account, is controlled through the hash of the card that is merged when the account is created.

  • Batch Transactions: Through Aptos network, it is possible to carry out several batch transactions using a single signature, this allows us all the incredible functionalities of our wallet.

Everything else on our github: https://github.com/altaga/eVault