Updated 20 days ago


The growing importance of ICP domains in the blockchain space inspired us to create a tool that simplifies tracking transactions and balances. We wanted to bridge the gap between the .eth and .icp ecosystems, making it easier for users to manage their digital assets across these domains.

  • Crypto / Web3

What it does ICPScan is a comprehensive tool designed for the ICP domain. It allows users to effortlessly track addresses, monitor balances, and keep tabs on both internal and external transactions within the ICP domain. Additionally, we've integrated the Interchain Naming System (ICNS), enabling users to connect .eth addresses with .icp domains through ICNS.

How we built it We built ICPScan by leveraging the power of ICP's blockchain technology, integrating it with the ICNS to ensure seamless connectivity between .eth and .icp domains. Our development process involved creating robust APIs for tracking transactions and monitoring balances, as well as designing an intuitive user interface for ease of use.

Challenges we ran into One of the primary challenges was ensuring seamless integration between the .eth and .icp domains through ICNS. Additionally, we faced difficulties in optimizing the performance of the tool to handle large amounts of transaction data while maintaining a user-friendly experience.

Accomplishments that we're proud of We're proud to have successfully integrated ICNS, bridging the gap between .eth and .icp domains. This achievement enables users to manage their assets more efficiently across different blockchain ecosystems. Additionally, we are proud of the comprehensive portfolio overview feature that provides users with detailed insights into their transactions and balances.

What we learned Throughout this project, we gained valuable insights into the complexities of cross-chain integration and the importance of user-centric design. We also deepened our understanding of the ICP ecosystem and its potential for future developments.

What's next for ICPScan In the future, we plan to expand ICPScan into a complete portfolio tracker for ICP. This will include features