Updated 23 days ago

Coin Flip Game

Build a coinflip game, where the user can connect their wallet and then flip a coin on the screen.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • Solana
  • Polygon
  • Metamask
  • GameFi
  • Infra / API
  • App Chain
  • Build a coinflip game, where the user can connect their wallet and then flip a coin on the screen.

  • User can select how much tokens from their wallet (SOL, ETH or BTC) they want to risk, and also select a side.

  • If it lands on the side that they chose, they get double their tokens back, if it’s the wrong side, they get nothing.

  • To get testing tokens use a ‘faucet’

  • You should deploy a simple smart contract so that the users wallet actually loses/gains tokens.

  • Show the transaction of the user gaining / losing funds on etherscan, solscan, etc