Updated 19 days ago


We at EDUQuest aim to solve every persons doubt in a decentralised ecosystem where curiosity meets knowledge.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • DAO / Community
  • NFT


Current web2 doubt-solving platforms follow an algorithm that distributes each question to one individual (selected by the platform) at a time, resulting in a variety of negative consequences:

Inefficient Doubt Solving: A question open to the community will be solved faster than one handed to different users and left unanswered for 1-2 hours.

Middlemen Smuggle: A significant portion of the fee for asking a question is taken by the mediator, even though the question is solved by another person. This reduces the willingness to answer more questions.

Equal Incentive for Each Question: Incentives are decided based on the topic, which is often inaccurate. The community should decide which question is worth a certain amount of incentive.


We are developing a doubt-solving platform where curious members of the community can post their questions, which will be globally listed, seeking answers from the community. Contributors will be incentivized by a customized PoW algorithm.

Through this platform, we aim to build a peer-to-peer community where everyone’s doubts can be solved in a decentralized manner.

We are eliminating the authorities that limit the flow of knowledge and providing the right to ask questions to every member of the community through this initiative.


  1. Curious members will post questions in specific domains, which will be globally listed, and each community member will have the right to attempt that particular question.
  2. Every question will have an associated value that the questioner is willing to pay.
  3. Multiple users with knowledge in that field will attempt to answer the question.
  4. There will be a time frame within which the answers are eligible for incentivization.
  5. Only those eligible answer attempts that have been upvoted by the owner will receive a share of the incentive, resulting in an increase in the owner's rating.
  6. If no answers are upvoted but attempts are made, the incentive will return to the owner, resulting in a decrease in the owner's rating.
  7. If no attempts are made within the time frame, the incentive will be returned with no loss in the owner’s rating.

How HONESTY is Ensured??

As the community grows, a user will develop a rating that solves two major problems:

  1. A helper will only answer questions from owners with a good rating, ensuring that the questioner does not unethically take the incentive back.
  2. An honest person will consistently receive the most answers due to their ratings.

This scenario will definitely be achieved once the community stabilizes.