Updated 29 days ago


Reels-Fi empowers users to monetize their favorite reels by predicting engagement, earning rewards through decentralized content investments. Transforming how creators and viewers interact, Reels-Fi combines entertainment with financial opportunities on the blockchain

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Defi
  • Social
  • EDU

Typing SVG

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APT-Reels-fi is a platform on EDU Chain designed for avid reel viewers, offering them the opportunity to place bets on the engagement of reels. If the engagement of a reel increases within a specified time frame, users can earn rewards based on their predictions.

Track Eligibility

  • Infrastructure: Reels-Fi leverages blockchain technology, providing a decentralized platform for content monetization.
  • DeFi: Users can invest in reels, earning returns based on content engagement, akin to decentralized finance.
  • Earn: Users can earn NFTs as rewards for their successful predictions on reel engagement.
  • Learn: Educational content creators can monetize their instructional reels, encouraging learning through rewards.
  • EduFi: The platform promotes educational content creation, aligning with the goals of EduFi.
  • Misc: Reels-Fi provides a broad range of monetization opportunities, making it eligible for various other tracks.

Key Features

Here are the Reels-Fi features in point form:

  • Monetize Your Existing Reels: Turn your current reels into revenue-generating content.
  • Upload Custom Reels: Share and monetize your own custom-created reels.
  • Invest in Favorite Creators' Reels: Place an investment amount on your favorite content creators' reels for a specific tenure.
  • Withdraw Rewards: Redeem your earnings once the investment tenure is complete.
  • Earn Reels-Fi Tokens: Gain Reels-Fi tokens through a "Refer and Earn" program.

Technical Architecture

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  • Next.js
  • Typescript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Move Language
  • Solidity
  • Petra Wallet SDK

Challenges and Solution

  • Inadequate Rewards for User Engagement
    • Problem: Despite contributing valuable content and engagement, users receive little to no tangible rewards for their participation on most social media platforms.
  • Barrier to Monetization for Small Creators
    • Many small creators struggle to monetize their content effectively due to high entry barriers and the dominance of established influencers.
  • Time and Effort Not Valued
    • Users spend significant time and effort creating and engaging with content but often feel that their contributions are undervalued.

Contract Functionality:

Function Name Description Parameters Access Control
createPost(bool _wantToMonetizeThisPost) Allows users to create a new post. Users can choose to monetize the post by setting the _wantToMonetizeThisPost parameter. Ensures users meet minimum requirements like paying creation fees before creating the post. _wantToMonetizeThisPost: bool - Whether the post should be monetized. Public
depositFunds(uint256 _amount, uint256 _postId) Enables users to deposit funds into a specific post's monetization pool. The function updates the post's total amount and records deposit information such as locking duration. _amount: uint256 - Amount to deposit.
_postId: uint256 - ID of the post to deposit into.
sellFunds(uint256 _postId, uint256 _depositID, uint256 _amount, uint256 _likes, uint256 _views, uint256 _shares, uint256 _followers) Allows users to sell their investment in a post and retrieve funds. The function calculates rewards based on engagement metrics and transfers corresponding funds to the user's wallet. _postId: uint256 - ID of the post.
_depositID: uint256 - ID of the deposit.
_amount: uint256 - Amount to sell.
_likes: uint256 - Number of likes.
_views: uint256 - Number of views.
_shares: uint256 - Number of shares.
_followers: uint256 - Number of followers.
_calculateEngagementRate(uint256 likes, uint256 shares, uint256 views, uint256 followers) Calculates the engagement rate of a post based on various metrics, crucial for revenue calculation and user rewards. likes: uint256 - Number of likes.
shares: uint256 - Number of shares.
views: uint256 - Number of views.
followers: uint256 - Number of followers.
_updateEngagement(uint256 fixedExpenses, uint256 newLikes, uint256 newShares, uint256 newViews, uint256 newFollowers) Updates engagement metrics and revenue generated by a post, considering fixed expenses and new engagement data. fixedExpenses: uint256 - Fixed expenses like creation fees.
newLikes: uint256 - New likes.
newShares: uint256 - New shares.
newViews: uint256 - New views.
newFollowers: uint256 - New followers.
_calculateRevenue(uint256 likes, uint256 shares, uint256 views, uint256 followers) Calculates the revenue generated by a post based on engagement metrics, influencing user rewards and monetization distribution. likes: uint256 - Number of likes.
shares: uint256 - Number of shares.
views: uint256 - Number of views.
followers: uint256 - Number of followers.
getUserDeposits(address _user) Retrieves information about a user's deposits, returning an array of Deposit structs with details such as deposited amount, locking duration, and post ID. _user: address - Address of the user whose deposits are being queried. Public

Platform UI

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<p>4-08-08 at 2 29 10 AM" src="<a href=" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/cebf4e8e-bb70-4d78-ae0f-086a223c20c3">

Test the Platform

Demo on Replit

Potential Platform Expansion and Growth

  1. Multi-chain Support: Expanding to support additional blockchains to attract a wider user base.
  2. NFT Integration: Offering creators the ability to mint their reels as NFTs and sell them on the platform.
  3. Enhanced Analytics: Providing creators with detailed insights into their content performance and audience engagement.
  4. Collaboration Tools: Introducing features that allow creators to collaborate with other users, share profits, and co-create content.
  5. Community Voting: Implementing a voting system where the community can influence platform developments and feature releases.