Updated 32 days ago

IC Pack

The problems: 1. No user sovereignty over dApps (the dev or DAO can update them at any time). 2. Slow interoperating of dapps on different subnets. 3. No standard for inter-operating dapps.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • DAO / Community
  • Infra / API
  • Package manager and distro tools

IC Pack is an ICP package manager for user software (akin to Google Play or Linux package managers).

It allows the user to install software to his/her personal subnet, thus

  • providing sovereignty of the user over his/her software (after installing the dev or DAO controlling the dapp are not more in control)
  • facilitating fast interaction between different dapps, because they are on the same subnet
  • allowing the user to choose between several softwares doing a similar things (like between several email clients)
  • allowing the user to give inter-app operations permissions in a unified way
  • managing his/her software easily (like as in Google Play)

It will be multiple repositories of dapps (like multiple Linux distros), but the user will be able to mix software from several distros.

Using CanDB for storing repositories, there is no limit for repository size.

We can have as a big success as of Linux. But unlike Linux we can have "tax" on users, taking from them a tax over the amount of cycles spent for the dapps. This makes the project commercially viable.

Some screenshots:

