Updated 34 days ago

Chain Abstraction: Tools & Accounts

Libraries, Standards, Tools and new generation of Dapps solving UX issues and onboarding users to Web3

  • Crypto / Web3
  • CosmosHub
  • Injective
  • Juno
  • Osmosis
  • Metamask
  • DAO / Community
  • NFT
  • Defi
  • GameFi
  • Account Abstraction
  • Infra / API
  • Social
  • Archway
  • Crosschain Infrastructure
  • Stargaze
  • Mobile

ATOM Eonomic Zone Quadratic Grant Round 4

2024/08/30 → 2024/11/15


We are building infrastructure that allow applications to solve account abstraction and customise the experience any way they want for the novel interesting use-cases


Instead of storing all you DeFI positions and NFT holding in one single wallet embrace the concept of (mini) accounts

  • Spotify creates an account for you to keep track of your music liking
  • IMDB creates an account for to follow what movies & shows you like
  • X creates an account that keeps track of people and topics that is interesting to you

You can sign-in in all of these service with your email or Google but they don't store all this information related to their services on you big Blob Email ID.

Why are we keep doing it with our wallets? Creating a new Account for each Dapp makes it

  • More secure
  • More private
  • More fun

What we are doing


Our repository contains new standards for:

  • Signing in with you accounts
  • Interaction with accounts
  • Creating and keeping of accounts (on-chain)


Our authentacation library has data structures, verification logic and other utilities for simplifying life for future account applications.

The list of credentials we verify:

  • Ethereum (EVM) personal sign
  • Cosmos Arbitrary (036)
  • Passkeys / Webauthn
  • (WIP) JWT / Oauth / Social Sign
  • Secp256k1 / Secp256r1 / Ed25519 Curves

[Future] Integrate with other enterprise solutions like Abstract SDK, Vectis, Nomos, Obi and others for enhanced security and other cool features


Proxy Accounts

Onboard users who only have a Metamask, Phantom or other non-native wallet to your Cosmos (Cosmwasm) application

  • Create a proxy account in form of a smart contract with native address
  • Store DeFI, NFTs and other positions on the proxy account
  • Only allow withdrawals and other operations provided an Ethereum, Solana or other signature
  • Make the proxy accounts reusable for all other dapps thanks to the on-chain registry

Token-Bound Accounts

  • Have accounts linked to Non-Fungible Tokens
  • Allow any existing or future NFT to get its own address
  • Allow your token to hold balances or even other tokens
  • Create a concept of tradable account allowing you to sell any bulk of assets or positions
  • Protects against cheating on Marketplaces

Many [Dapp] Accounts

Custom account contract using unique features of various networks and existing applications. For example:

  • x/abstract-account by larry0x and Xion / Burnt-Labs
  • x/smart-account by Osmosis (Labs)
  • x/cwfees and x/rewards by Archway / Phi Labs
  • various IBC (and other) integrated modules by Neutron and more