Updated 28 days ago


Milestone Maker aims to revolutionize personalized learning by combining blockchain technology with AI-driven educational pathways. Our vision is to create a decentralized platform where learners can set their own goals, track their progress, and earn verifiable achievements, all while being guided by an intelligent AI agent.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Metamask
  • NFT
  • Social
  • AI

Milestone Maker is a cutting-edge learning platform that fuses blockchain technology with artificial intelligence to deliver personalized educational experiences. By leveraging the Hive-Agent Kit from SwarmZero.AI, we've developed an AI agent that autonomously generates customized learning paths based on user input. These paths are securely stored on the blockchain, ensuring transparent and immutable tracking of a learner's progress.

A key feature of Milestone Maker is the AI agent's autonomous management of all interactions with smart contracts, including the handling of learning paths and progress tracking. This automation not only streamlines the user experience but also significantly lowers the entry barrier for those new to decentralized applications. By simplifying complex blockchain processes, the AI agent makes the platform accessible and user-friendly, driving the mass adoption of Web3 technologies and opening the door to a broader audience.

Key Features

  • AI-generated learning paths tailored to individual needs and goals and conducting the interaction with smart contracts such as storing the learning path, update milestone statuses, update quiz statuses, etc.
  • Blockchain-based progress tracking and achievement verification. NFT minting for completed learning milestones, providing tangible proof of skills.
  • Interactive UI for learners to input goals, view progress, and manage their learning journey. The integration of the Hive-Agent Kit allows our AI to understand complex learning requirements and break them down into actionable milestones. This creates a unique synergy between human intent and machine intelligence.

High Level Architecture

MilestoneMaker-High Level Architecture.png

Tech Stack:

  • Frontend: Next.js with React and TypeScript, Tailwind CSS
  • Backend: Python
  • Smart Contract: Solidity
  • Blockchain Interaction: Web3.js
  • AI Integration: Hive-Agent Kit
  • NFT Metadata Storage: IPFS
  • Development Environment: Foundry

Future Works:

  • Enhanced AI Capabilities: Further development of the AI agent to provide more detailed feedback, suggest learning resources, and adapt paths based on learner performance.
  • Social Learning Features: Implement peer-to-peer interaction capabilities, allowing learners to collaborate, share achievements, and engage in group learning experiences.
  • Gamification Elements: Introduce more game-like elements such as rewards, leaderboards, and challenges to increase engagement and motivation.

Installation: Please follow README.MD from Github