Updated 51 days ago


AutoBitStack is a cryptocurrency investment platform that allows users to invest in Bitcoin using Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) and limit orders. We leverage Chainflip's cross-chain liquidity to execute trades efficiently and securely.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Defi


AutoBitStack is a cryptocurrency investment platform that allows users to invest in Bitcoin using Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) and limit orders. We leverage Chainflip's cross-chain liquidity to execute trades efficiently and securely.

Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 19.01.16.png



  • Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA): Automatically invest in Bitcoin at regular intervals.
  • Limit Orders: Set target prices for Bitcoin purchases.
  • Smart Contract Integration: Secure order creation and management.
  • Automated Execution: Server-side processing for timely order execution.

How It Works

DCA Flow

  1. User creates a DCA order on our hub_contract.
  2. Our server listens for contract events.
  3. When an event is detected, a cronjob is pushed using BullMQ.
  4. A worker executes the Bitcoin purchase at the specified intervals.

Limit Order Flow

  1. User creates a limit order on our hub_contract.
  2. Our server posts a job to a repeatable queue (running every minute).
  3. The job checks the current Bitcoin price.
  4. If the price is within the target range, it executes the buying order.