Updated 54 days ago


To build a secure and decentralized identity and SSO solution using Chainlink Oracles on Avalanche, while leveraging SwapKit for seamless multi-chain integration and enhanced blockchain interactions.

  • Crypto / Web3



To create a robust decentralized identity and single sign-on (SSO) solution leveraging Chainlink Oracles on the Avalanche blockchain, while integrating SwapKit to simplify cross-chain blockchain interactions.

Project Overview

Sociopi integrates Chainlink Oracles on the Avalanche blockchain to offer a secure decentralized identity and SSO solution. Utilizing the Chainflip SDK and SwapKit components, Sociopi provides seamless multi-chain functionality and enhanced user experiences.

Key Features

  1. Decentralized Identity and SSO

    • Uses Chainlink Oracles to ensure secure and reliable data feeds.
    • Implements a decentralized identity solution on Avalanche for secure SSO.
  2. Multi-Chain Integration

    • Leverages SwapKit to enable seamless cross-chain operations.
    • Supports a variety of blockchain networks and tokens.
  3. Enhanced Security

    • High-security standards using Chainlink Oracles.
    • Secure and efficient single sign-on experience.

Technical Stack

  • Frontend: React.js, Next.js
  • Backend: Node.js, Express.js
  • Blockchain Integration: Chainlink Oracles, SwapKit SDK, Avalanche
  • Database: MongoDB, Redis
  • Deployment: Docker, Kubernetes, AWS/GCP

SwapKit Integration

Sociopi integrates the following SwapKit components to enable multi-chain capabilities and enhance blockchain interactions:


In the ThorSwapComponent.js file, the SwapKit SDK is used as follows:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Chain, createSwapKit, WalletOption } from '@swapkit/sdk';

// Additional component code here


Comprehensive documentation is available for setting up and using SwapKit and integrating with various blockchains.

Getting Started

Follow these instructions to set up the development environment and start contributing to Sociopi.


This repository contains packages related to the SwapKit SDK and its integrations with different blockchains.


Integration with various cryptocurrency wallets for secure transactions.


Development toolboxes to aid in building and integrating blockchain functionalities.



curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash

Copy .env.example to .env and fill it with data.


bun bootstrap


  • main - Production branch.
  • develop - Development branch - all PRs should be merged here first.
  • nightly - Branch for nightly builds - can be used for testing purposes.


To run tests, use the following command:

bun test

Pull Requests

  • PRs should be created from the develop branch.
  • PRs should be reviewed by at least one Code Owner (see CODEOWNERS file).
  • PRs should include a scope in the commit message (see commit messages section).
  • PRs should include tests if possible.
  • PRs should include a changeset file if needed (see release section).

New Package

To create a new package, use the following command and pick one of the options:

bun generate

This command sets up the package with necessary files for bundling and publishing.

Release and Publish

Packages are automatically published to npm when a new PR is merged to the main & develop branches. To automate and handle the process, we use changesets and GitHub action workflows.

Before running bun changeset, pull the main & develop branches.

To release a new version of a package, create a PR with the changes and add a changeset file to your commit:

bun changeset

After the PR is merged to the develop branch with the changeset file, a GitHub action will create a new PR with updated versions of packages and changelogs.


Sociopi combines Chainlink Oracles, the Avalanche blockchain, and SwapKit components to deliver a powerful decentralized identity and SSO solution. By integrating multi-chain capabilities and focusing on security, Sociopi aims to enhance the decentralized finance ecosystem.