Updated 19 days ago


StudentChain is a blockchain-powered EdTech platform that serves as a one-stop solution for students seeking financial support for their educational pursuits (e.g. education-related expenses such as tuition fees, exam fees, research expenses, and other educational needs.). Beyond merely facilitating fundraising, StudentChain fosters a vibrant and supportive academic community where students can connect, collaborate, and thrive. StudentChain empowers students to achieve their academic goals while connecting with peers and supporters nationally or worldwide. With a focus on transparency and security, the platform utilizes blockchain technology for security and transparency to ensure that funds are securely held in escrow until release conditions are met and recognise active community participants.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • Solana
  • Polygon
  • IPFS
  • Bitcoin
  • Educhain

Members 3

Problem Statement Many African students face significant financial barriers that hinder their academic pursuits, including tuition fees, exam costs, research expenses, and course materials. Traditional funding avenues like scholarships, grants and loans may not always be accessible or sufficient to support the students. Additionally, students often lack a centralized platform to connect with a supportive community where they can seek financial aid and share their academic achievements and challenges. This can lead to students dropping out or delaying their studies, ultimately hindering their academic and professional development.

Solution StudentChain is a blockchain-powered EdTech platform designed to address these challenges by providing a decentralized ecosystem where students can seek financial support for various educational needs while also fostering a community-driven environment for academic engagement and collaboration.

StudentChain offers two main functionalities:

  1. Fundraising Platform: Students can create personalized fundraising proposals to seek financial aid for specific purposes such as tuition fees, exam costs, research projects, course materials, etc. Funders can browse through student campaigns and contribute funds based on their interests and preferences.

  2. Community Building: Students can join or create communities based on their disciplines, interests, or geographical locations. Within these communities, students can share their academic achievements, seek advice or clarification, and engage in discussions through community feeds and conversation rooms.


  • Increasing access to funding: Providing a secure and transparent platform for students to connect with potential funders, both within Africa and internationally.
  • Democratizing educational opportunities: Empowering students from diverse backgrounds to raise funds for various educational needs, including course fees, exam registrations, research expenses, and living costs.
  • Promoting transparency and accountability: Utilizing blockchain technology to ensure secure and verifiable transactions, building trust between students and funders.
  • Encouraging community support: Fostering a culture of giving within Africa, allowing individuals and organizations to contribute directly to the educational advancement of future generations.
  • Unlocking African student potential: By facilitating access to resources, this platform empowers students to focus on their studies and contribute meaningfully to society upon graduation.