Updated 60 days ago


Devising a new mechanism that ensures anonymity and anti-collusion while accommodating voters with different Voice Credits.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Dora Factory
  • ZK
  • Privacy

To enhance the A-MACI system by allowing variable Voice Credits, we are introducing a new mechanism that ensures anonymity and anti-collusion while accommodating voters with different Voice Credits.

Here's a comprehensive solution:

Solution Overview

  1. Voter Registration and Voice Credit Assignment: Each voter is registered with a unique identifier and assigned a specific Voice Credit value. This value can be based on factors such as the voter's reputation, contribution to the community, or other relevant criteria.

  2. Anonymous Voting Mechanism: To maintain anonymity, each voter's vote is encrypted and combined with a random noise value. This ensures that even if an attacker tries to identify a voter, they cannot link the vote to the voter's identity.

  3. Weighted Voting System: The weighted voting system ensures that voters with higher Voice Credits have more influence on the outcome of the vote. This is achieved by multiplying the voter's vote by their assigned Voice Credit value before aggregating the votes.

  4. Anti-Collusion Mechanism: To prevent collusive voting, each voter's vote is checked against a set of predefined criteria. If a voter's vote does not align with their assigned Voice Credit value, it is flagged as suspicious and removed from the final tally.

  5. Post-Vote Verification: After the voting period, the system performs a post-vote verification to ensure that the votes are valid and the outcome is accurate. This includes checking for any suspicious voting patterns and ensuring that the weighted voting system was correctly applied.

Solution Components

  1. Voter Registration Module: This module handles the registration of voters and assigns them unique identifiers and Voice Credit values.

  2. Anonymous Voting Module: This module encrypts and combines each voter's vote with a random noise value to ensure anonymity.

  3. Weighted Voting Module: This module applies the weighted voting system by multiplying each voter's vote by their assigned Voice Credit value before aggregating the votes.

  4. Anti-Collusion Module: This module checks each voter's vote against predefined criteria to detect and prevent collusive voting.

  5. Post-Vote Verification Module: This module performs a post-vote verification to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the voting process.