Updated 66 days ago


In many developing countries, informal workers, who form a significant portion of the workforce, face numerous financial challenges. These workers, including day laborers, domestic workers, rickshaw drivers, and street vendors, often experience irregular payments and a lack of transparency in their earnings. Without access to formal financial services, they are excluded from essential benefits like loans, insurance, and social security. This exclusion perpetuates a cycle of poverty and financial instability, making it difficult for them to improve their living conditions. Ceres envisions a world where every informal worker has access to secure, transparent, and timely salary payments. By leveraging blockchain technology, Ceres aims to empower these workers, providing them with financial stability, inclusion, and a pathway to better economic opportunities. Our vision is to create a fair and inclusive financial system that recognizes and supports the contributions of informal workers, helping them achieve financial independence and security.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Privacy
  • Social
  • Fraxtal
  • Move
  • Ubit

Ceres is an innovative blockchain-based salary payment platform designed specifically for informal workers. Our platform addresses the critical issues of payment irregularity, lack of transparency, and limited access to financial services that informal workers face. Through Ceres, workers and employers can register using verified digital identities, ensuring a secure and trustworthy environment. The platform allows workers to create detailed profiles showcasing their skills and work experience, while employers can post job requirements and manage contracts through smart contracts on the blockchain. These smart contracts automate salary payments, ensuring they are made on time and in stablecoins to avoid volatility. All transactions are recorded on a public blockchain, providing a transparent and verifiable audit trail. Ceres not only improves the financial stability of workers but also enables them to access microloans, insurance, and other financial services based on their verified payment history. By ensuring security, transparency, and financial inclusion, Ceres transforms the financial landscape for informal workers, empowering them with control over their income and working conditions.