Updated 75 days ago


MoneyTab aims to become the best app for shared finances.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Social

What is MoneyTab?

MoneyTab is a Telegram Mini App (TMA) for shared finances with a focus on simplicity. By leveraging existing social connections it can grow organically and has potential to onboard new users into DeFI. Its core functionality is around splitting bills and sharing recurring expenses. Upcoming features will introduce additional user incentives, in-app TON & USDt based debt settlement and tools for business invoicing.

TMA vs Standalone App

Expense sharing through a TMA is uniquely positioned to solve some of the core problems with standalone expense sharing apps (e.g. splitwise)

Barriers To Entry & Friction

Standalone apps present a high barrier to entry, requiring download, sign-up, and contact sharing permissions. Expense sharing is also a social activity - the need to switch apps to log an expense disrupts the natural flow of conversation and adds unnecessary friction.

When Alice pays for dinner and wants to record that Bob owes her money, the inconvenience and friction of downloading and signing up for a new app just to acknowledge this debt is a significant deterrent for Bob.

In contrast, TMA’s barrier to entry is minimal - joining a shared expense is as simple as clicking a link. With MoneyTab, users can also create & share expenses without leaving their chat (through bot’s inline query functionality).

Social Graphs

Standalone apps force users to rebuild their social graphs. This is particularly problematic for groups, such as those sharing costs on a trip. The group has to be re-created and every member must download the app and re-join the group within it.

With MoneyTab’s TMA, users have instant access to their existing social graphs (Telegram contacts and groups). Additionally, @MoneyTabBot can be added to any group, with new members being automatically onboarded and kept up-to-date.


Settling debts within traditional apps requires developers to add country-specific bank integrations and users to provide/link their bank details.

MoneyTab will be the first expense sharing app where debts can be settled with anyone, anywhere, in a single click, through TON & USDt.

Progress So Far

Next Steps

  • User Incentives: Introduce streaks, achievements and rewards to promote regular app usage and engagement.
  • In-App Settlement: Enable TON & USDt settlement for seamless and universal debt resolution.
  • Business Invoicing: Allow individuals and businesses to create and manage invoices, expanding MoneyTab’s utility to professional settings.
  • Premium Features: Granular spend analytics, automatic expense categorisation and receipt scanning.
  • Open Source: MoneyTab will be open sourced in stages, starting with the client, smart contract and then the server.
