Updated 86 days ago

syde.fi (ex. Syntonix)

First ever synthetic derivatives on Ton

  • Crypto / Web3
  • DeFi
  • TON

Already deployed and working in testnet!

Showcase: https://youtu.be/6PZopT8PJwY?si=BmAk5cpd88c0OYcj

App: https://app.syntonix.fi/

Presntation: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGIHNlSUbk/J_EbTpZyZBo8g82saiRSZQ/edit?utm_content=DAGIHNlSUbk&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton


Toncoin has a $19B market cap, but there is no (less than $50m) TVL in all DeFi projects (except liq staking & two main DEXes supported by TF)

You can't sell 1B toncoins on the CEX because there is no such demand.

there is no such thing on TON as synthetic derivatives

the solution:

Convert toncoins to synthetic derivatives of all kinds and feed DeFi ecosystem with them to increase TVL and onboard new users via offerring unique opportunity to have any kind of real world assets on chain in one click

value for ton whales

  • increased APY on staked toncoins
  • growth of DeFi ecosystem
  • increased user base

ton avg users

  • unique offer to own any kind of asset
  • ability to easily swap tons for new assets
  • onchain amzn stock, euro, gold in 1 click


  1. All of the business logic is implemented on the FunC smart contracts

  2. Each price is backed by 19 wormhole guardian signatures.

  3. Only web application and ton blockchain. No middlewares / no backends.

Synthetic derivatives tech:

  1. Each synth asset is Jetton contract that is compatible with existing TON DeFi tool

  2. Each synth token is backed by TONs locked in the pool

  3. Our own $STX token as collateral with inflation model for rewarding stakers - tbd