Updated 101 days ago


DeFi made simple for Crypto Investors

  • Crypto / Web3
  • DeFi
  • TON

3min video

  • Business Model
    We make a platform service that connects users with various DeFi protocols, leveraging DeFi protocols' SDKs to charge fees based on the user's investment.

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This year, TON DeFi has achieved a 35-fold growth.

Recently, DeFi has achieved qualitative growth, expanding beyond mere quantitative growth into areas such as Lending and Derivatives. However, the absence of an aggregator remains a challenge. This makes onboarding difficult for novice investors and managing various investments challenging for professional investors.


To solve this problem, we are creating a service that enables easy access to DeFi and the utilization of various protocols. Our service allows users to quickly understand the status of different protocols at a glance, recommend DeFi projects, and facilitate their execution. The main features include:

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Easy access to DeFi for everyone. Comprehensive overview of various protocols. Recommendations for DeFi projects based on user needs. Simplified execution of selected projects. By providing these features, we aim to enhance the diversity and synergy of the DeFi ecosystem, driving sustainable growth and innovation.