Updated 118 days ago

Web3 Chess

Our vision is to transform chess into a decentralized ecosystem where players can compete, earn rewards, and connect globally, leveraging blockchain technology for transparency and innovation.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • BNB Chain
  • GameFi

Web3 Chess

Welcome to Web3 Chess, the decentralized chess platform where you can not only enjoy the timeless game of chess but also earn rewards and collect unique NFTs.


Our vision is to transform chess into a decentralized ecosystem where players can compete, earn rewards, and connect globally, leveraging blockchain technology for transparency and innovation.


Web3 Chess: Play, Earn, and Collect

Web3 Chess is a decentralized chess platform built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) testnet. Here, you can stake cryptocurrency, mint NFTs of your matches, earn unique NFT rewards, and participate in a vibrant marketplace—all while enjoying the strategic gameplay of chess.


Chess is more than just a game; it's an intellectual challenge enjoyed by millions worldwide. With Web3 Chess, we've taken this classic game to the next level by integrating blockchain technology, allowing players to stake cryptocurrency, mint NFTs of their matches, earn unique NFT rewards, and participate in a vibrant marketplace.

About Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is a blockchain platform built for running smart contract-based applications. It aims to provide a fast and low-cost alternative to Ethereum, making it ideal for decentralized applications like Web3 Chess. BSC is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), allowing developers to easily port their Ethereum-based projects to BSC and benefit from its high throughput and low transaction fees.

Contract Addresses and deployment, transactions on BSC testnet:

NFT Contract Address: 0x8AE990D3FFdf10ef3f4Fe8167CCA235A0044543A

Game Contract Address: 0x20582f1aA08b61143990dEB9820fc8e436730f0C

Marketplace Contract Address: 0x30E27922E8de75aCa3d82c81aB994A99412F6A46

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  • Play and Earn: Challenge your friends to a game of chess and stake cryptocurrency for a chance to win it all. Or, play against the computer without any stakes.
  • Chess Match NFTs: Every match you play can be minted as an NFT in the form of a GIF, showcasing all the moves made during the game. These NFTs can be listed on our marketplace for others to collect and trade. Example
  • Earn NFT Rewards: Winners of matches are awarded unique NFTs featuring customizable meme templates, generated using the Canvas API. These NFTs serve as tokens of achievement and can be collected or traded on the marketplace. Example
  • NFT Marketplace: Explore a diverse range of Web3 Chess NFTs on our marketplace powered by the Binance Smart Chain. Buy, sell, and trade NFTs to build your collection or discover unique pieces.
  • Dashboard: Keep track of your balance, NFTs won or bought, and manage your cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals on our user-friendly dashboard.

Challenges and Solutions

Building Web3 Chess presented its own set of challenges, particularly for a team with limited experience in full-stack dApp development. However, we overcame these challenges by experimenting with various tools and technologies, ultimately migrating to Moralis midway through the project for its powerful features such as live queries, custom React hooks, easy authentication, and seamless integration with the Binance Smart Chain.

Benefits of Using Web3 Chess

  • Decentralization: Web3 Chess leverages blockchain technology to create a decentralized gaming experience, ensuring transparency, security, and immutability.
  • Earn Rewards: By staking cryptocurrency and winning matches, players have the opportunity to earn rewards in the form of cryptocurrency and unique NFTs.
  • NFT Collectibles: Every match played on Web3 Chess can be immortalized as an NFT, allowing players to collect and trade their gameplay experiences.
  • Vibrant Marketplace: The Web3 Chess marketplace provides a platform for users to explore, buy, sell, and trade NFTs, fostering a vibrant community of collectors and enthusiasts.

Get Started

Ready to embark on your Web3 Chess journey? Join our community, stake your crypto, challenge your friends, and collect unique NFTs—all while enjoying the strategic thrill of chess.

Visit Web3 Chess to start playing today!



✨ Features

  • Play and Earn: Stake Crypto to play chess with friends and the winner takes all. You can also play with the computer without any staking crypto.
  • Chess Match NFT: Players can mint an NFT of the match they played in the form of a GIF which would play all the moves made during the match and list this NFT on the marketplace. Example
  • Earn NFT: Winners of the match are awarded an NFT which is a meme template with different text on it (opponent name, the date and time) generated using the Canvas API. Example
  • NFT Marketplace: Users can explore NFTs on the Web3 Chess marketplace and buy and sell their Web3 Chess NFTs leveraging the Binance Smart Chain.
  • Dashboard: Displays the user's balance, all NFTs won/bought by the user in Web3 Chess, and allows for deposit and withdrawal of BNB.

Tech Stack & Tools

  • React
  • Solidity
  • Moralis
  • IPFS
  • Hardhat
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Binance Smart Chain
  • OpenZeppelin
  • chess.js