Updated 123 days ago


Distributed ownership of AI models to offer fair incentives to open-source developers through chain-driven training.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • Metamask
  • NFT
  • Akash


  • Providing a platform for open-source devs to monetize their research and training
  • Democratizing computational resources for training Artificial Intelligence leveraging Akash Blockchain
  • Preserving anonymous Identities for these open-source developers.
  • Distributed Ownership for AI Models for Fair Revenue.


The Accelerated expansion of the AI industry has left few tech giants in the monopoly. Hexs introduces a decentralized way to train and trade AI models to re-create the incentivization of developers contributing to the space. We attempt to do this by this MVP where we intend to tokenize the infra deployments on Akash and provide a mechanism for chain-driven training of these AI models.

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  • When the user tries to deploy an AI agent which he created on Akash, a smart contract instance for this activity is created.
  • This instance sets up an NFT minting smart contract which is used to encrypt the SDL file containing private docker image and CPU requirements.
  • Only those users with access to these can decrypt and re-deploy or download to modify the AI model.
  • By tokenizing these files, developers will be able to offer several more infra conditions by adding smart contract plugins like that of Soul-Bound NFTs.

Chain-driven training

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  • Anonymous developers can fork other public models which they can fine-tune to provide better results.
  • With this mechanism, only those models with better generation will attract the most users.
  • The initial creators of the models whose forks are trending out will be generating royalties.
  • [Future] Each Model trainee will be able to generate API endpoints with which they can set API pricing and let other developers use their model.
  • Developers building out applications around these models will be generating revenues.




  • Encrypted Infra with NFTs: NFTs are used as a key for encrypting and decrypting the access to the deployed Infra on Akash.
  • Chain-driven training: Developers can fork out public AI models to have their modifications on the model. This sets up an entirely new encrypting NFT contract.
  • DAO-based Agents or Infra Expenditure: By tokenizing the Infra, we can unlock the possibility of having DAO governance over AI models where the initial creator will be adding members who can make frugal decisions or contribute to the expenditure over operating resources.
  • Soul-bound Infra Sharing: With Smart Contract Plugins, devs can decide to have key NFTs soul-bound which couldn't be transferred from the recipient's wallet.
  • Smart Contract Developers can introduce their plugins and extend conditions over their model.

Technical Architecture

We are using the fork of Cloudmos to initialize our idea, we have implemented Lighthouse to provide the feature for encryption with NFTs. Smart contracts were introduced to provide a set of decentralized features like Marketplace and DAO.


  • Bridging with multiple chains to onboard mass users and provide utility to crypto tokens.
  • Transfer provider lease by ending with one user and starting with another as soon as the marketplace order is placed.
  • Introduce burner wallets and gas sponsoring for a user-friendly interface
  • To implement a backend for developers to directly form APIs with their deployed models which they can offer to other devs for usage.
  • To implement SDKs for having extended conditions over models

Whitepapers on what we are trying to achieve: https://deepaks-organization-8.gitbook.io/hexs-whitepaper