Updated 129 days ago


Automate Trading Vaults for ckAssets

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Defi
  • Internet Computer Protocol

ckAI finance or ckDeFi is a project building Vaults with machine learning models inside the Canisters.

Either it connects to Orderbooks with enough liquiidty inside the ICP DApps, it it may connects to a Uniswap V3 while the Liquidity grows on th AMMs on ICP.

The idea is to run tade-bots inside the canisters, or connect API of existing bots, datasets, external signals or private lgarithms in order to automate trading on-chain, there is an options to connect to API fron CEX in order to execute the putt or call from the algorithm, in that case the bot is hybrid connecting to both CeFi & DeFi and performing trades on both.