Updated 129 days ago

Heart of Gold

Heart of Gold (HoG) aims to revolutionize the Web3 NFT space by introducing a buyback feature based on lottery mechanics, allowing users to sell their NFTs for up to 100x earnings and ensuring transparency, sustainability, and interaction. LitePaper > https://heartofgoldnft.com/pdf/litepaper.pdf Lottery SmartContract (BSC now) > https://bscscan.com/address/0x2603247eF1Cc5087499285deF8adcd3E3e926174#readContract

  • Crypto / Web3
  • BNB Chain
  • NFT
  • GameFi

Heart of Gold stands as the world's first web3 NFT project featuring a buy-back function that allows users to sell their NFTs for up to 100X returns through game mechanics. We pioneer this innovative approach to address the significant challenges faced by NFT projects from 2021-2022: lack of utility, unclear goals, and non-transparent product delivery. Our business model aims for a 1.5x growth in both gross profit and user base with each minting event, reflecting our mission to build the largest NFT community in the industry.

We plan to migrate the project to the ICP blockchain, execute a marketing campaign, and launch a lottery.

Full tech description: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nLnGAwarvYn0fn0bD9WuT8AuYTArda6b/view?usp=sharing

Technical Documentation for HoG NFT Project on ICP Blockchain: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s8A7wJThBlFDHRxnUtqBuKoj7VV6BgsF/edit#heading=h.gjdgxs

Three-Month Roadmap:

Month 1: Setup and Core Canister Development

Week 1-2: Project Initialization and Environment Setup

  • Environment Configuration: Establish local and remote development environments specifically tailored for Motoko and front-end development.
  • Infrastructure Setup: Configure ICP network access, wallets for testing, and initial canister deployment in the staging environment.

Week 3-4: Core Canister Development

  • NFT Minting Canister Development:
    • Functionality: Implement functions for minting NFTs, assigning ownership, and tracking NFT metadata.
    • Deployment: Deploy the initial version on the ICP network for internal testing.
  • Lottery Canister Prototyping:
    • Functionality: Basic setup for random draws, integrating placeholder functions for RNG interactions.
    • Integration Plan: Outline integration with the RNG Canister for future implementation.

Month 2: Advanced Canister Development and Front-End Integration Week 5-6: Advanced Canister Development

  • Tokenomics Canister Development:
    • Functionality: Implement fund management, payouts, and transaction logging.
    • Modules: Separate modules for handling incoming funds, calculating payouts, and distributing funds.
    • Deployment: Test deployment in a controlled environment.
  • Governance Canister Setup:
    • Functionality: Develop functions for creating proposals, voting, and executing decisions based on votes.
    • Integration: Plan for frontend integration to allow user interactions with governance processes.

Week 7-8: Front-End Development and Integration Testing

  • Front-End Development:
    • Modules: Develop modules for user authentication, NFT display, lottery participation, and governance interaction.
    • Integration Testing: Conduct thorough testing with backend canisters, focusing on API connections and data flow.
  • RNG Canister Integration:
    • Functionality: Finalize the integration of RNG Canister with the Lottery Canister.
    • Testing: Validate the randomness and security of the RNG outputs within lottery draws.

Month 3: Final Testing, Deployment, and Launch Week 9-10: User Acceptance Testing and Final Adjustments

  • Extended Testing:
    • Security Audits: Comprehensive security checks on all canisters, with a focus on the NFT Minting Canister and Tokenomics Canister.
    • Performance Tuning: Optimize canister performance, particularly the response times and resource utilization.
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT):
    • Feedback Implementation: Refine UI/UX based on user feedback to ensure intuitive usability and functionality.

Week 11-12: Soft Launch, Official Launch, and Post-Launch Adjustments

  • Soft Launch:
    • Monitoring: Set up monitoring tools to track canister performance and user activities in real-time.
    • Adjustments: Quick iterations to adjust features or fix bugs as reported by early users.
  • Official Launch:
    • Public Deployment: Deploy all canisters to the production environment on the ICP mainnet.
    • Launch Activities: Execute planned marketing activities and community engagement events.
  • Post-Launch:
    • Support Setup: Establish ongoing support channels for users.
    • Continued Monitoring: Implement continuous monitoring and periodic reviews to ensure system stability and performance.

Key Canisters and Their Functions:

  • NFT Minting Canister: Manages NFT creation, ownership, and metadata.
  • Lottery Canister: Handles the drawing of lotteries and integration with RNG.
  • Tokenomics Canister: Manages financial transactions, distributions, and fund allocations.
  • Governance Canister: Facilitates community-driven governance processes.
  • RNG Canister: Provides a secure and verifiable source of randomness for the lottery.