Updated 123 days ago

Provider Node Dashboard

Provides insight into each node a provider has.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • CosmosHub
  • Akash

Problem Statement

There is no dashboard to see individual node resource utilization for any provider.

Solution Approach

Build a dashboard that shows how much each node in a provider is using their resources.

Technical Implementation

It is a database and dashboard to show average daily provider utilization by node to give providers more data about their nodes.

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It consists of a database, a front end, and a script to pull data. The script pulls data off of the GRCP endpoint of a provider. It then saves it in a database. The front end then pulls the data from the database and shows a daily average for each node for each type of resource. The SDL to deploy on Akash is in the GitHub.

One of the great things about this dashboard is that you can monitor any provider! Just change the PROVIDER_URL variable in the SDL to any provider!

Potential Impact

While this is mostly a proof of concept (even though fully functional), this can be easily integrated into Cloudmos. Cloudmos already has a database that holds all of the data needed to display these stats. Just a web app or a tab on the Cloudmos page would be needed to integrate this into Cloudmos very easily.