Updated 94 days ago


Gamified platform for incentivised learning: The best way to educate and onboard developers and users into TON ecosystem

  • Crypto / Web3
  • NFT
  • X-2-Earn
  • Infra / API
  • Social
  • Creator Economy
  • Crosschain Infrastructure
  • we are an educational platform, so we keep the relationships with many different L1s/L2s/DeFi/infra pltforms

Mighty solves the problem of efficient user acquisition and engagement via educating users in gamified environment and providing rewards.

PITCH DECK: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGG7N2sDvs/TNIcGXx5JKW812dyIdtXqw/edit?utm_content=DAGG7N2sDvs&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

Presentation (deck demo): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Fw2P2Pq97E

TON Space Demo (overview of TON hackathon work): https://youtu.be/JSm8EwCkwa4

Additional desktop demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-aIfmcCtHE

Additional video describing space creation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgQf-c2CRp0

mini app: @mightyappbot

platform website: https://app.mighty.study

Our platform is live for ~3 months and currently has 10200 users.

We are growing at a rate of ~100-150 users per day.

Despite our relative success with platform traction early on, we are looking to expand our potential userbase by reaching more channels. We believe that telegram & TON is one of the most promising channels to acquire web2 users and onboard them to web3, which is our core focus.

During hackathon, we have focused on enabling most of our app functionality as a telegram mini-app as well as authenticating user account through TON connect.

Update 1: We have also created an 1 hour introductory TON course for developers. We have published it on http://app.mighty.study/TON to finalise the coherent user onboarding process into TON ecosystem.

Update 2: created "Bridging on TON" course for a general user willing to learn how to transfer their assets from BSC / ETH onto TON network. We created a system where we verify on-chain that user has deposited their assets from BSC or ETH. After verifying this task on-chain we supply user with rewards.

Update 3: created "Setting up TONkeeper wallet & depositing crypto" where users go through the process of creating a wallet and depositing cryptocurrency onto it.

benefits to TON:

  1. The best way to onboard developers: Gamified education is the single best way to onboard new developers onto Tact / FunC. There is no second best 😜

  2. Driving real usage metrics via on-chain tasks: we can record & verify real actions done by our users on-chain, driving real growth KPIs - not vanity metrics.

  3. Onboarding Telegram users into TON: Our onboarding process is designed to introduce web3 to new users in the smoothest way possible

  4. Immersive educational experience directly within the mini app: Enriches the Telegram ecosystem, encourages longer session times and repeated use.

  5. Ecosystem growth: Introducing Mighty as a educational partner opens possibilities to craft new growth strategies for TON to reach & onboard new audiences.