Updated 1112 days ago

IFTip Bot

IFTip bridge million web2.0 SNS users to web3

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • Solana
  • Polygon

IFTip Bot is a crypto bot run on Telegram/Discord/Wechat, offer Price Query/Wallet/Swap services for millions of IM users.

Base on the most popular IM platforms, we make it easy to use blockchain, and all transactions are onchain.

IFTip now are using by 4600+ Communities, over 3 Million users. They create more than 1.2 Million wallets on chain. and send over 10k transactions everyday.

IFTip Bot support 10+ mainstream blockchain now, you can do following on SNS platforms:

  1. Query price in communities

  2. Receive and Transfer assets using embed wallets

  3. Airdrops your token to users in group

  4. Using DeFi DApps

Try it now: https://iftip.io