Updated 91 days ago

Umnicoins - Educational currency TON

School and university education lags behind current trends and does not provide an instant response to the knowledge that we receive. 85% of schoolchildren are not motivated to study. Bot TMA: https://t.me/umnicoins_bot

  • Crypto / Web3
  • DAO / Community
  • NFT
  • GameFi
  • Social
  • TON
  • Mobile

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Telegram: https://t.me/umnicoins_bot


TON Society Moscow, Minsk bootcamp The Open League Summer

**The idea of creation **

The development of the Russian cryptocurrency is a logical development of the Umnikoins project, which was first presented at the Strong Ideas for a New Time forum in 2020 and entered the TOP 300 according to the selection results.

Umnikoins are a motivational points system on the blockchain that serves to reward students from grades 5 to 11 for their academic success. Through a mini-application and a chatbot on VKontakte, any student in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine can already convert their school grades into smart points, so that they can receive benefits from partners who are not indifferent to the topic of education and support for the Russian population for smart coins in the charity marketplace.

The concept of the school cryptocurrency was scaled during the Archipelago-2121 accelerator and the HSE KIvO Summer School. Experts supported the idea that the principles embedded in the technology of the school cryptocurrency can be extended to all participants of the educational system and all its levels: higher, secondary specialized, additional, etc.

The purpose of the idea

Creating an ecosystem of social partnership between businesses, educational organizations and parents of students for continuous motivation and encouragement of schoolchildren and students to achieve high results in education, science, entrepreneurship, sports, creativity and volunteering.

Where does an Educational Cryptocurrency start?The primary cell of the Educational Cryptocurrency is the smart score - the umnikoin (utility token). It cannot be bought or transferred. It is mined by users using verified data about useful actions. For example: a student in a lesson makes a report on a topic, for which the teacher puts a mark in an electronic journal. The action is useful (it is educational), and the result is recorded by the teacher in the diary.

Umnikoin stores the following data: date and time of issue (tokenization); identifier of the author of the useful action (miner); history of the useful action (smart contract); confirmation of the verifier; signature of the issuer.

Thus, smart points mark the digital footprint of a person's creative activity. This trail is TRANSPARENT - every participant in the Educational Cryptocurrency sees the history of the umnikoin from the issuer to the integration into the Educational Cryptocurrency block, and all their transactions are tracked. The data that has been entered into the blockchain is guaranteed to be SAFE and UNCHANGEABLE. And the principle of VERIFIABILITY confirms that there are real useful actions behind digital data.

Issuers of umnikoin blocks can be not only organizations that are not indifferent to the topic of education, but also individuals:

Parents of students Employees of educational institutions Students of higher educational institutions To receive emissions from individuals, a student establishes a collaboration with parents' accounts or other types of adult profiles. The parent can issue umnikoins towards the ward through the task system. The completed task must be checked through Verifiers.

As a thank you, the ward can assign a percentage of his result of melting (hashing) umnikoins into talents for the parent.

Are smart coins turning into talents?

The educational cryptocurrency consists of two components: smart coins, which, in turn, are blocks for talents. Any verified smart points are used for hashing into talents, and the number of smart coins to receive a full-fledged token varies from the number of miners on the network. The initial threshold of tokenization difficulty is 1000 umnikoins per 1 talent. Talents are altcoins that a user can store on their wallets without restrictions and transfer to other users. If smart coins can only be used within the framework of a charitable marketplace, then the user decides for himself how and where to dispose of talents.

This creates an organic tool for the implementation of mentoring pairs between students and school students. Students need smart coins, which can be additionally obtained from a mentor through collaboration. Students need talents, and they can be received as a thank you from the ward for the issuer.

The primary value of smart coins and talents arises from the elements of gamification in the system, as well as social ratings, which increase the prestige among the youth of the owner of an educational cryptocurrency.

Marketplace for educational success

A marketplace is built into the Educational Cryptocurrency application. Smart coins and talents are used to exchange for benefits (goods). Both companies and individuals can place their services and goods, but on the terms of charity - when performing an operation, smart points are burned, and do not go to the seller's account.

When burned, tokens do not disappear from the database, but are withdrawn from circulation and are not available to users. The showcase of the marketplace is being moderated. Prizes should motivate educational activities and promote personal growth.

Sellers can place benefits with display filters for groups: for students, schoolchildren, parents, or for everyone. Also, additional criteria may be set for the exchange in smart contracts. For example, that 15 percent of smart points were earned for school grades in a certain subject. In this way, the company shows its points of interest and builds an educational trajectory for students.