Updated 140 days ago

Flip Abstraction Wallet

Every day more and more people loose funds due to loss of seed phrase and exposure of private keys, but all this can be prevented if we normalise the use of smart and secure wallet implementations.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Scroll
  • Defi
  • wallets
  • erc4337

Flip wallet is an ERC 4337 inspired wallet design that aims to let users create and use smart wallet to store their tokens. with flip wallet users are protected from accidental loss of funds due to loss of public keys as access to your flip wallet is backed by 3 gurantors that can be used to recover wallet in case of loss of seed phrase. In long run we plan to implement inheritance where a users can specify another wallet to inherit the funds he own and also we plan to implement 2 factor authentication where an OTP code is sent to the registered users email before he can access the funds locked in his smart wallet.

Flip wallet is not here to challenge the current wallet implementation it's basically just a more secured wallet for storing funds longterm while still using your traditional wallet.

Wallet address factory contract on scroll: https://sepolia.scrollscan.com/address/0xcc3c03f8cdf358a2ef296dc3a61f95d1c70435e3

Individual wallet contract on scroll: https://sepolia.scrollscan.com/address/0x8Ac1f4A7C7369114B09D47fDC80abb5C05C3fDfe#internaltx

Github link: https://github.com/Nonnyjoe/Flip-ERC4337-Account-Abstraction-wallet

Frontend Link: https://erc-4337-account-abstraction-wallet.vercel.app/