Updated 85 days ago

Ton Music

Listen music via Telegram Mini App

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Social
  • TON

Members 7

Music streaming service that allows users to receive free native coins using the service

Ton Music is the first leagal music streaming service inside Telegram Mini App.


Combined Artist-User-centric business model

Our business model makes Ton Music stronger compared to its main competitors and opens doors for the growth of new and existing artists inside Telegram. And partnerships with music distributors allow us to provide a wide range of music to suit the needs of each user.

TON Blockchain integration

Blockchain integration opens the door to new mechanics of interaction with users and artists. And utility token TONM allows to achieve better indicators of user engagement and virality, as well as develop additional income channels for consumers and the service

Using Telegram infrastructure

Telegram Stars support, building inside Telegram Mini App and using all kinds messenger infrastructure to ensure legality and seamless user interaction with the mini app

Legality and security

Ton Music sources music content through music distributors and uses Audible Magic, SumSub and DDEX to verify the rights of creators to music content to download audio from private artists and paying royalty.


We will not rest until we implement native integration with Telegram. Ton Music is a door to the world of music and Web3 for Telegram users and a logical messenger continuation as a social network

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TONM coin is a utility service token which you can mine now for free in the app by tapping to the legendary Crazy Froge! Also you can do daily task like finding mistary songs and albums, inviting friends to get more coins!

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Meet our team

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Go to our mini app and take part in musical revolution! Bot: https://t.me/ton_music_bot