Updated 84 days ago

Коллективный разум - collective cybernetic mind

formation of a cybernetic own and collective knowledge base, assets and intellectual property, for generating income, cooperation in the implementation of any task in three to five steps.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • AI
  • CMInd

**Collective mind - collective mind ** Product thesis digital cybernetic product that scans audio, text and video materials in real time, all types of information flow, through the ioHasC model and increasing the knowledge library, to achieve the result (user’s goal) by three to five steps.

Objective of the project:

  1. Formation of a personal service AI/CСM (CYBERNETIC COLLECTIVE MIND) to formalize personal experience (creation of a personal algorithmized knowledge base) and its further reuse, sale for participation in collective experience, transfer of experience as training, provision of a model for participants for a share or payment.
  2. Implementation of a full-fledged 3-level DApp model for the implementation of ioHasC *- Transaction layer
  • Layer of declarations and representations
  • Indexing and quality assessment layer*

What the client needs:

  1. reality management through cybernetic automation
  2. Automated business science management.
  3. Communications, increasing knowledge and SMM dissemination.
  4. Guaranteed trust environment
  5. Modification of the system for “emerging innovations” through the DAO community.

Solve problems automatically: Buy - sell, Exchange, rent, I nstallment plan, joint activities, Receive offers, Creation of joint documents, projects and common business at different levels of integration of participants. Creating your own algorithm of frequently repeated or special, professional actions to provide to other users in order to develop the community, receive a share of knowledge or receive rewards. Creation of a unified knowledge representation system. (Algorithmic type). The essence of this knowledge lies in the possibility of mathematical modeling and mathematical evaluation. It is based on the ioHasС TUR design based on the Semantic Engine. TUR provides the representation of Meanings in natural language - Semantic Contracts, TUR is available for the SC compiler to convert the Text and other audio and video materials (Declarations) into executable code.

It implies that each user enters a single cloud environment, from his distributed account on the blockchain and participates in: Creation of unified knowledge, analogous to wiki and according to the standard (ioHasC semantic machine. (Digital education INFORMATION IN KNOWLEDGE) In the combination of existing developments through the introduction of text option and further integration through (iohask semantic engine) Uses an analogue of Atlassian, google doc (compiler and IDE ioHasС) Reception of text materials from instant messengers, social networks and audio negotiations and video broadcasts - translation of loosely structured data into TUR designs. AI is connected.

The main difference from existing products Each participant participates under his own wallet ID on the blockchain; he is not visible to others, only on the basis of contacts and communities. Each participant’s participation is recorded and assessed through a module for assessing joint participation and forming a level of trust. Main or intermediate actions can be recorded in the blockchain for participants with assessment of their intellectual property, contribution to the common cause You can provide access through a similar process and record reading or provision on paid, free, limited to a group, open to everyone Also, participants can participate and reveal their identity, or may not open All functions and products used by users create a single effort and do not force it to go into our product, but at the same time it works as an “alarm clock, wallet or other solution that requires receipt.” Round tables are added with video recording and audio conversation when discussing a document, etc.